St. John, N.B., Suspension Bridge over Reversible Falls

River = Saint John

06 Jun 2014

385 visits

St. John, N.B., Suspension Bridge over Reversible Falls

H. C. Leighton Co (St. John) card no. 1800, posted at Saint John on April 9, 1906 to A. Francis Anderson, Box 405, Port Townsend, Wash.: "St. John N.B. Apr. 9th/06 Kindly exchange card and favour. Miss Jennie Carrier, 74 Watson St., St. John West, N.B."

06 Jun 2014

265 visits

New C.P.R. Bridge over Reversing Falls, Saint John, N.B.

Posted July 14, 1934 at Saint John, to Mrs. Eva Starkey, 47 Harvest St., Lynn, Mass., from Avis Hingston: "Some ride. Beautiful scenery and wonderful weather." Valentine-Black card no. 113,118 J.V.

06 Jun 2014

340 visits

Public Gardens, Saint John, N.B. [113,579]

Posted October 3, 1929 at Saint John to Mrs. Harry M. Loud, 15 Hall St., Buckton, Mass., from Lena (with a message about her trip).

06 Jun 2014

205 visits

The New Brunswick Museum, Saint John, N.B., Canada.

Valentine-Black card 115,272 with no initials afterward. Unused. Printed descriptive text on reverse.

06 Jun 2014

271 visits

St. John River from Railway Bridge, St. John, N.B.

Unused Valentine & Sons no. 103,092.

16 Mar 2015

222 visits

5002. Pokiok Falls, St. John River, N.B.

Trimmed card, publisher's name probably cut off as a result. Posted at Fredericton October 11, 1906 to Miss Dorothy Nicolas, 322 Gilmour St., Ottawa, Ont. I believe I read that this waterfall no longer exists due to some sort of change that has been made to the river's course.

04 Jun 2016

183 visits

7116. The Pitch at Lowest Water - Grand Falls, N.B.

Warwick Bros. & Rutter, no. 2917, unused.

04 Jun 2016

150 visits

7124. The Pitch, Grand Falls, N. B.

From McCoy's "Acadian Series". Unused.