6044. Canadian Building at the Pan.-Pac. Int. Expo. San Francisco, 1915.

Publisher = Edward H. Mitchell (San Francisco)

13 Dec 2015

231 visits

6044. Canadian Building at the Pan.-Pac. Int. Expo. San Francisco, 1915.

A later Edward H. Mitchell card showing the impressive Canadian pavilion at the Pan-Pac Expo in 1915. Unused.

13 Dec 2015

235 visits

6041. Greetings from Oakland, Cal.

As this upload of rather random and ragtag cards shows, I've been to the St. Lawrence Market. A decent find was three pre-1900 Edward H. Mitchell (San Francisco) "Gruss Aus"-style cards. This is no. 9 in the 1899 series. At the bottom of the collage are the words Copyright 1896 by Albert Kayser.

13 Dec 2015

168 visits

6040. Greetings from Santa Rosa, Cal.

Edward H. Mitchell card, no. 30 showing scenes from Santa Rosa, California. Unused, with the 1899 date.

13 Dec 2015

175 visits

6039. Missions of California

1898 Edward H. Mitchell card depicting "Missions of California". There is a notation "Taber Photos" along the lower edge of the collage.