4315. Panoramic View - City of Port Arthur

Bifold, trifold, quadfold cards

26 Oct 2014

201 visits

4315. Panoramic View - City of Port Arthur

Warwick Bros. & Rutter no. 47[0?]6, posted August 19, 1907 at Port Arthur to Miss Genie Heugsler (?), No Freedom, Wisconsin. "Hello Genie: - Lonesome well I should say so. This is quite a town but I go next from here to Ft Francis [sic] and then into the bush. All the time in the bush among the black flies looking over mining property. Get about one day a month in the Soo. Wish I could have a few days in No Freedom and hear a little music. Give my best to Mrs. Ryan etc. add[ress]. Soo Ont. [name] On the third panel, the letter starts up again: Got back from Michipicoten yesterday and had two hours in the Soo. Don't like this being on the road all the time especially on the water. Got awfully sea sick coming down. Who is your new chemist and where does he stay. Same old Soo. Will be there in a month or so anyway. Tell Doc if he goes to Duluth to drop a line to me at Ft. Francis and meet me at Pt. Arthur. [name] Can't make out the name, unfortunately.

06 Oct 2015

1 comment

93 visits

5795. Bob-Lo (Bois Blanc Island) Detroit and Windsor Ferry, Detroit, Mich.

The first and only five-fold card I've seen. It's a souvenir of Bois Blanc Island ("Bob-Lo") just off Windsor, Ont., which served as a big amusement park for residents of Detroit. On the reverse is a printed description: BOB-LO. Bois Blanc Island, Detroit River, one of Detroit's favourite pleasure grounds is situated in Canadian waters at the junction of Detroit River and Lake Erie. The Island is owned by the Detroit & Windsor Ferry Co., comprises 225 acres and is equipped with a Casino, Dancing Pavilion, Athletic Field, Bathing Beach and similar conveniences. The fine steamer Columbia covers the run several times daily. The card was posted at Amherstburg, Ont., on July 12, 1911 at addressed to Att'y. W. N. Butler, Room 204, Brown Blg., Washington, Pa. with a brief message from Harriet.