
Poetic inscription, poetry

15 Apr 2014

166 visits


Not postally used but addressed to Miss Lurie Glidden: "Hello Lurie, You're looking fine. How is all the cats. Write soon and let me know how everything is going. I will write you a long letter if you answer this. from John McMurray." Birn Brothers, London, Series No. # 1906. Made in England.

15 Apr 2014

150 visits

Harvesting in Canada (A Birthday Greeting)

Another Birn Brothers card, this one unused and with no number.

15 Apr 2014

141 visits

All Good Wishes

Mr. H. L. Ritchie, Grange Street, Annapolis Royal, N.S. is the addressee of this card, posted on November 14, 1913 at Halifax: "Nov. 14th, 1913 Dear Friend, Just a few lines to let you know I rec'd your card + glad to hear you are well as I am. We are having more rain again to-night. I think we are having more than our share. Had a letter from Clara the other day. As Ever I remain M. S. G." Birn Brothers, London, Series No. 1907. Printed in Germany.

13 Aug 2014

253 visits

Greetings from Wabamun

A Stedman Bros. card. Only a few towns with this verse are listed in Smith's book, not including Wabamun, Alta.

17 Jan 2016

163 visits

6141. Shorncliffe Camp.

Shorncliffe Camp in Kent was one of the main training sites for Canadian troops. This poem gives a sense of their mood before crossing the Channel.

05 Jun 2016

259 visits

7127. Greetings from Canada - Manitoba

This is a Valentine's Series card from the British Valentine company rather than the Canadian. The Manitoba shield opens out to reveal a long strip of miniature monochrome images (12 in all) showing scenes in Manitoba. These appear mostly to be common Valentine & Sons card images. The poetic lines are from the opening of the second verse of "O Canada!" (now the national anthem).