[Norwood, Ont.???]

Town = Norwood (Ont.)

11 Apr 2014

177 visits

[Norwood, Ont.???]

Posted at Norwood, Ont., June 5, 1906. It looks like it could well be from there: e.g. this photo from Google Maps www.google.ca/maps/@44.385833,-77.97821,3a,75y,90t/data=!3m5!1e2!3m3!1s20886827!2e1!3e10 The card has an undivided back and was postmarked June 6, 1906 to Mr. E. H. Rowntree, 358 Donald St., Winnipeg, Man. and readdressed to the Kings Hotel, Dauphin. The message reads: "One I took just after the sun had set. E. S. F."