4118. Norman Dam, Kenora, Ont.

Engineering feats

25 Sep 2014

1 comment

897 visits

4118. Norman Dam, Kenora, Ont.

Published by H. A. Longley, Kenora. Unused.

29 Nov 2014

395 visits

4502. The Cantilever Bridge, Abitibi Canyon

Divided back card, unused. No indication of publisher. Great image of a cantilever bridge under construction.

31 Jan 2015

553 visits

4673. Hoisting the Span, Quebec Bridge.

Unused real photo. No indication of the photographer.

17 Jan 2016

197 visits

6139. The Alaska Highway - Peace River Bridge

Nice c. 1945 image of the Peace River Bridge on the Alaska Highway in northern British Columbia.

28 May 2016

1 favorite

229 visits

7087. Connaught Tunnel - Canadian Rockies.

A nice card illustrating the Connaught Tunnel, which began operation on Dec. 16, 1916. Coast Publishing Co., Vancouver. Interestingly it was the 58 fatalities in the Rogers Pass avalanche in 1912, illustrated on one of my G. A. Barrowclough postcards, that was the "last straw" and led the CPR to go ahead with the Connaught Tunnel project the following year. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Connaught_Tunnel_(British_Columbia)