Red River, Elm Park, Winnipeg

Neighbourhood = St. Vital (Winnipeg)

29 Jul 2014

271 visits

Red River, Elm Park, Winnipeg

Stedman Bros. frame view, posted May 21, 1908 (??) at Kings Head, N.S. to Miss Alice E. Macdonald, 17 Temple Place, Boston, Mass. "Dear Alice, Why don't you ans. my letter. I am longing to hear from you. Are you coming home this summer. I think Aunt Bertha is coming. Agnes. All well."

05 Jun 2014

242 visits

Grove, Elm Park, Winnipeg

Posted July 11, 1904 at Winnipeg to Miss E. J. Sherwin, Llanpayst, Marrickville Bright Street, Sydney N.S.W. Australia, with a great message: "Dear Evie, You will see we are still in Canada but leave for home very soon now. The summers here are very pleasant + remind me of our Australian climate. It is nice to see bright sunshine every morning after the gloom + wet of Ireland. Winnipeg is a fine growing City of 70,000 inhabitants + then people we have met are hospitable + kind, but of course as Florie + Percy are not remaining here we shall likely never see any of them again, but one never knows. Marnie had Florrie's letter this morning. We are sorry to hear of poor old Aunt. Glad you are all well. Yours ever. I. Cockerill [???]" It appears to be dated June 11th, Wellington Crescent but I'm not sure. This image also appears, cropped slightly but also as an oval, in Illustrated Souvenir of Winnipeg (the smaller view book that is probably by Martel".