An August Day in Galt Gardens, Lethbridge, Alberta

Town = Lethbridge (Alberta)

11 Apr 2014

172 visits

An August Day in Galt Gardens, Lethbridge, Alberta

Promotional card (see back). Photo by A. E. Smith.

11 Apr 2014

175 visits

An August Day in Galt Gardens, Lethbridge, Alberta [reverse]

Back of the Galt Gardens card, promoting the "Dry-Farming Congress" in Lethbridge, October 19-26 of an unspecified, but evidently early, year.

16 Apr 2014

165 visits

A Western Canadian Coal Mine in Operation

Not postally used but with the message: "Don't know whether you have had these cards before. Am busy this week but hope to write long letter next week. Hope you are all well. I am A1 - OK Fine. [last line in very large lettering] This is by Rumsey & Co, in their Canadian West Series, No. 2 (30 subjects). I've seen a copy of an RPPC of this exact image and the coal mine is identified there as the Galt Coal Mine No. 3 at Lethbridge, Alta.

08 Nov 2014

283 visits

4427. Galt Hospital, Lethbridge.

Ottawa & Fort William RPO, Mary 24, 1907, addressed to Miss M. Drane, 118 Beaudry St., Montreal, P.Q.: "Fort William, Ont., Victoria Day 24/5/07 D. M. Just a word or two to let you know I am still alive + kicking. Still keeping cold up this way very sharp frost last night. Remember me to Nellie + Ma + all the others. Try to be in Montreal soon. Your sincere Friend, Jim."