6925. Rosser Avenue, looking East, Brandon, Man. [105,240]

To Scandinavia (Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Iceland)

23 Apr 2016

245 visits

6925. Rosser Avenue, looking East, Brandon, Man. [105,240]

Posted to Hr. Direckor A. Knudsen, Villa "Merlon", Dutzfeldsalle 17, Hellerup, Denmark, Europe, from Miniota, Man. on 22/5/1913 with a letter to "Onkel Anton" from E. L. Landorph. Written in Danish. Valentine & Sons, no. 105,240. Is the placement of the two signs at right and left accidental? They actually appear to be some sort of box, like a small mailbox or, perhaps more likely, a refuse container. I suppose that advertising space was sold on them, whatever they are. They didn't miss many chances to slap advertising on things in those days.