Bala Wharf, Muskoka Lakes, Canada.


10 Jan 2014

388 visits

Bala Wharf, Muskoka Lakes, Canada.

Unused Photogelatine Engraving Co. Ltd. (Ottawa) card. Number 51.

10 Jan 2014

435 visits

Block House at Philipsburg, Canada, Foot of Lake Champlain.

Unused card published for the Champlain Tercentennial in 1909 by Sheldon Ambertypes, Burlington, Vermont. It is no. 190 in the Champlain series.

10 Jan 2014

273 visits

Greetings from ------ Canada

JBC (Julius Bien & Co.) card unused but with the date 14/12/10 on the back. Small inscription on front "Copyrighted 1908 by A. S. Meeker, N.Y." Series no. 899.

11 Jan 2014

248 visits

6009 - A Quebec Caleche.

Detroit Photographic Co., 1901 copyright.

12 Jan 2014

285 visits

Mount Stephen, Field, B.C.

Addressed to Miss Macrae, 12 Goldington Avenue, Goldington, England, with a Summerland, B.C. postmark that appears to be from 1923.

12 Jan 2014

213 visits

Herring Cove, N.S.

Unused Valentine & Sons card from Nova Scotia.

12 Jan 2014

256 visits

Central Methodist Church, Toronto, Canada (105,764)

Unused Valentine & Sons card.

12 Jan 2014

308 visits

Children's Hospital & College St., Toronto. (101,789)

Valentine & Sons card showing the Hospital for Sick Children building that is now the Canadian Blood Services building at College and Elizabeth Streets.

12 Jan 2014

208 visits

Quebec. Break Neck Steps - L'escalier de la Rue Champlain.

Postmarked at Hochelaga, Quebec on September 13, 1905 to Mr. J. Hulmes, 5, Barker St., Newton Heath, Manchester, England. It has a list of countries which permit the use of the correspondence section of the reverse (Canada, U.S., France, Switzerland, Great Britain and Italy).
13 items in total