St. Charles' Country Club House, Winnipeg, Man.

To Ireland

25 Jun 2014

269 visits

St. Charles' Country Club House, Winnipeg, Man.

A rare Warwick Bros. & Rutter card, no. 6356, posted October 3, 1909 at Winnipeg to Miss E. H. L. Dowd, 4 Vergemount Hall, Clouskeagh, Dublin, Ireland (readdressed "at Traverslea, Glenageary"): "Dear Aunt Emma, We were glad to hear you were out in Kingstown -- I am sure you will be better for the change. I have been intending to write to you so I will very soon. Love from all + your affect. niece -- Eva."

13 Aug 2014

276 visits

From the Land of the Maple

A nice Valentine & Sons patriotic, posted Sept. 2, 1912 at Vancouver, B.C. to Miss Maggie Warnock, Avondale Cottage, Aughlich Cookstown, Co Tyrone, Ireland: "My Dear Margaret, Many thanks for card I received safely, tell Mother I got her letter saying she had sent parcel, + I will write as soon as I get same, it is rather awkward trying to write with so many ups + downs so excuse scribble. Love from us Both to you all. Your Loving Sister + Brother May + John xxxx"

13 Aug 2014

278 visits

Canada [Oilette]

Tuck Oilette no. 2552, postd at Toronto on September 23, 1914 to Mr. R. Barkley, Ballarat Street, Ravenhill Road, Belfast, Ireland: "205 Keele St., Toronto, Dear R. Just a PC to let you see I am alive + well but very homesick. Drop me a line + let me know how you are getting along + give me all the news. "Are you going to the war" isn't it awful. Write soon. A. L. McI." [not sure about the "I"]