Typical Country Road, Yarmouth, N.S.

Town = Yarmouth (Nova Scotia)

05 Jun 2014

201 visits

Typical Country Road, Yarmouth, N.S.

Posted August 10, 1927 at Yarmouth to Mrs Grace Mills Jordan, R. D. 1, Millbury, Mass: "Wed. Aug. 10 You would enjoy a trip through Cape Breton and Nova Scotia. Finest kind of people and wonderful scenery. Augusta L. Smith." Published by H. McKinlay, Yarmouth, N.S.

05 Jun 2014

163 visits

Along Milton Ponds, Yarmouth, N.S.

Posted, with a nice dark cancel over a Champlain tercentenary stamp, at Yarmouth on August 19, 1908 to Mrs. Edith Hawes, Sherborn, Mass., U.S.A.: "This place is noted for its dense fogs and we had pretty near a week of it at one time, Florence Margueritte." Valentine & Sons no. 101,975.

05 Jun 2014

218 visits

The Sentinel, near Yarmouth Light, N.S.

Posted September 1, 1908 at Yarmouth to Miss Cargill, Summer St., Franklin, Mass.: "Monday. Been deep sea fishing today - got 19 cod - some weighing 8 lbs. Mabel was a little sick - Beautiful weather and 15 in the house - fine party - am burned to a blister. "Billy Buster" sleeps with Mabel & I - looking for yours tomorrow." Valentine & Sons no. 101,972.