The Sagamo


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The Sagamo

08 Dec 2013 259
Cover from the Muskoka Lakes Line, Gravenhurst, Ont. Posted to Washington D.C. but the date isn't clear.

Agricultural or Provinces Building, Toronto Exhibi…

10 Jan 2014 297
Card with a special CNE cancellation dated September 6, 1909, addressed to H. H. Jenkins, Nester Flats, Geneva, N.Y. with a brief note to "Bert" as H. H. was apparently known.

West Main St., Somerset, Man.

13 Feb 2014 245
Pugh Manufacturing Co. card, with the numbers "925-1" and "234978" on the reverse. Mailed on December 28, 1911 from Waterloo, Ont. to Miss Eldna James, Ayres, Maine, U.S.A., Box 89: "Rec. your letter many thanks very interesting will write more soon, Truly yours, Harry Planz (?), Waterloo".

Warships at Halifax, N.S.

13 Feb 2014 356
This one is addressed to Mrs. John Stookberry, 60 Atlantic Terrace, Lynn, Massachusetts, U.S.A. and was posted at Halifax on July 3, 1903. I have a copy of this MacFarlane card already, but I liked the message on this one: "The Queen Hotel is old and dingy, but has an excellent table. The town is a disappointment. The harbour is wonderfully good but the town is far from picturesque, save for the Citadel and some few fine old buildings. H. W. P."

Canadian Homestead Life - Returning from the Woods…

13 Feb 2014 208
Very nice Homestead Life card, posted at Jordan Station, Ont. June 22, 1910 to Miss Bertha Hamdeman, 172 Riley Street, Buffalo, N. Y.: "Hello Bertha, I am at Jordon for two week wish you and the girls where here, and I am having a good time every body is well here. Ans. before the first of July (Howard)". The name "H. J. Overholt" is pencilled in beneath this.

Provincial Parliament Building, Toronto, Canada

19 Oct 2013 226
Mailed June 21, 1911 at Toronto to a woman in Buffalo, New York. No indication of the card's publisher.

The Assiniboine River, Winnipeg, Man.

02 Mar 2014 263
Russell Lang & Co. card no. 325, presumably a reissue of a Warwick Bros. & Rutter card. Postmarked at Winnipeg May 19, 1905 and addressed to E. F. Wilson, The Dumbarton, So. Pierce Street, Nashua, New Hampshire with the above message. Steele & Co. marking: A60?

Calgary, Alta. [Fire Halls 1-3]

10 Apr 2014 1 227
NO. 3121/23 by "The Royal Curio and News Co., Calgary." Posted with a 1908 Quebec tercentenary stamp to Erle B. Lacey Esq., Box 261, Sayles Ave, Pasoag, R. I., U.S.A.: "Thanks for card. Indian Head is just about 500 miles directly east of here, or a day's journey - Have passed through it. It is rather a pretty village. Hoping to hear from you again soon. Sincerely, Edith E. Kingston, Box 267, Calgary."

Hotel International, Sault Ste Marie, Canada

15 Apr 2014 208
Private Post Card by J. J. Taylor, Publisher, Sault Ste. Marie, Can. with a notation that it was "Printed in Belgium" and the scribbled messages: "Now in Canada. Been having a boat ride, Harvey" and "A lonesome city. A fine day for the boat trip. H." The date on the front appears to be 6/9/08.

St. John River Bridge, Woodstock, N.B.

06 Jun 2014 325
Posted at Fredericton on August 15, 1931 to Miss Alice Kilbourn, So. Lancaster, Massachusetts, with a note from A. B. Jones. The card has a depiction of the Canadian coat of arms on the back.

Water St. Looking South. Shelburne, N.S.

05 Jun 2014 215
Published by Miss M. P. Wentzell. Made in Germany. No. D 878 12. Mailed to Mrs. A. W. Hopkins, 37 Holton St., Allston, Mass.: "Shelburne HS., Aug. 10, 1912. I am having a fine time. Go out rowing almost every day. Love to all, Evelyn."

Typical Country Road, Yarmouth, N.S.

05 Jun 2014 200
Posted August 10, 1927 at Yarmouth to Mrs Grace Mills Jordan, R. D. 1, Millbury, Mass: "Wed. Aug. 10 You would enjoy a trip through Cape Breton and Nova Scotia. Finest kind of people and wonderful scenery. Augusta L. Smith." Published by H. McKinlay, Yarmouth, N.S.

Montreal Chateau de Ramezay

17 Jun 2014 249
Tuck OIlette "Montreal" series 2553, addressed to Mr. M. L. Hunt, Norwich, N.Y. and posted at Toronto on August 13, 1908: "Awful swift time".

Quebec. Break-Neck Steps.

17 Jun 2014 208
Tuck Oilette "Quebec" series no. 2557, posted at Quebec on October 15, 1907 to Mr. Geo. J. Foran, 471 Central Park W., New York City: "Does this remind you of Jordan's? I thought you were coming here this week. Squealer! H."

Ottawa. Parliament Buildings.

17 Jun 2014 308
Another early Tuck Oilette series, no. 1034, with the Warwick Bros. & Rutter label on the front. Addressed to Mrs Florence Maischoss (?), 596 West Ave., Buffalo, N.Y. but not stamped.

Ottawa. Main Parliament Buildings.

17 Jun 2014 217
Tuck's Oilette Ottawa no. 2242, posted at Ottawa on March 15, 1907 to Mr. G. A. Clark, 503 9th St., Sioux City, Iowa: "Ottawa Mar 15.07 Dear Friend, Have been here one week on new contract as manager all O.K. Yours ever, G. O. Hohnes, 132 1/2 Sparks St."

Canadian Rockies, Mount Stephen.

17 Jun 2014 199
Tuck's Oilette "Wide Wide World - Canadian Rockies" series II, no. 2519, posted at Banff on July 26, 1909 to Miss Mary P. Meade, Lexington, Massachusetts: "Greetings to you all. This is a wonderful land and we are all well + full of enjoyment. M. L. S. Banff. July 26."

Richmond Street looking North from Dundas, London,…

17 Jun 2014 250
Tuck "Excelsior" series no. 1013 (London, Ont.) posted at St. Thomas, Ont., on dice 2, 1912 to Mrs Earl Henshaw, 71 Calumet St., Rochester, N.Y.: "Have received two cards from you but it seems I will never find a chance to write a letter. I owe so many letters. After Xmas will not be as rushed. Hope you are all well. Mother is spending the week end with Ethel. Ethel's address is 318 Oxford St. Lovingly, C. L."

53 items in total