Rosedale Ravine, Toronto, Ont. Canada (106,719)

Neighbourhood = Rosedale (Toronto)

30 Nov 2013

763 visits

Rosedale Ravine, Toronto, Ont. Canada (106,719)

Valentine & Sons. no. 106,719 is a lovely multiview of the Rosedale Ravine. The message, which fills the entire back, reads: "Dear Lily, What do you think of this P.C. This is very near where we live. Ocourse [sic] it is not all like this a few miles from here is the city of Toronto + that is almost like London only it is cleaner. With love from Daisy. P.S. Frank always remembers your P.C. Album + wishes it was his."

17 Jun 2014

235 visits

Toronto, Rosedale Ravine.

Tuck Oilette "Toronto" series no. 2594, unused.