St. John's, N'fld.

Harbours, wharves, docks, waterfront areas, etc.

03 Nov 2013

473 visits

St. John's, N'fld.

Newfoundland Souvenir Post Card, unused (copyright Dicks & Co., St. John's). A nice view of the town.

08 Dec 2013

401 visits

Shipping headquarters, Wm. Pearson Co. Ltd. Last Mountain Lake, Sask.

A William Pearson Co. card, addressed in an unpracticed hand to Mr Peter Kreh, Bearlin [sic], Ont. "Strassburg, July 27 Dear Berother, I am going to stard work today in a feding Stabel this man has lots of hay to cut I am getting $40 a mont. but you better stay were you are I will write you lader a letter write soon John" The Berlin, Ont. receiver on the front of the card is dated July 29, 1911.

13 Dec 2013

505 visits

Bridges and Falls, St. John N.B.

This is one of three very nice engraving cards with the "anchor" undivided back. All are unused.

14 Dec 2013

485 visits

7203 - Victoria, B.C., from Parliament Buildings.

Detroit Photographic Co., no date. Unused.

03 Nov 2013

336 visits

Weymouth Bridge, N.S.

No. 212 in the original MacFarlane "Private Mailing Card" series. Unused.

10 Jan 2014

388 visits

Bala Wharf, Muskoka Lakes, Canada.

Unused Photogelatine Engraving Co. Ltd. (Ottawa) card. Number 51.

13 Feb 2014

357 visits

Warships at Halifax, N.S.

This one is addressed to Mrs. John Stookberry, 60 Atlantic Terrace, Lynn, Massachusetts, U.S.A. and was posted at Halifax on July 3, 1903. I have a copy of this MacFarlane card already, but I liked the message on this one: "The Queen Hotel is old and dingy, but has an excellent table. The town is a disappointment. The harbour is wonderfully good but the town is far from picturesque, save for the Citadel and some few fine old buildings. H. W. P."

07 Mar 2014

240 visits


Toronto Litho card from the 1898 series, unused. Back pasted over from having been in a scrapbook.

24 Jun 2014

262 visits

Partridge Island and Bell Buoy, St. John, N.B. [1]

Valentine & Sons no. 103,623, made in Great Britain. Unused.
16 items in total