Parliament Buildings and Sir John A. Macdonald's Statue

Valentine & Sons oval frame cards

22 Nov 2013

233 visits

Parliament Buildings and Sir John A. Macdonald's Statue

Unused Valentine & Sons card of Queen's Park. A premium style of card, with especially rich colouring, textured paper and the oval shape. No Valentine & Sons number visible.

22 Nov 2013

215 visits

Museum and Art Gallery

Unused card showing the Toronto Normal School. Valentine & Sons but the number of the image is not visible.

14 Dec 2013

277 visits

Royal College of Dental Surgeons, College Street, Toronto, Canada.

Unused Valentine & Sons oval frame card showing what was the Royal College of Dental Surgeons building on College Street. I believe that building is still there.

06 Jun 2014

169 visits

Cape Blomidon, N.S., and White Waters

Unused Valentine & Sons card.