Mink Tunnel, Lake Superior


23 Nov 2013

257 visits

Mink Tunnel, Lake Superior

To Miss K. A. Bridge, Heaton Park, Manchester, England "With kind regards, Violet Farries, Winnipeg, 1/18/1912. The Valentine number is cut off (it's at lower left), except for the very tops of the numbers, which suggest that it could be 100,527.

14 Dec 2013

254 visits

Morrisey Rock on Intercolonial Railway

Unused Warwick Bros. & Rutter card no. 1944.

13 Aug 2014

279 visits

Jack Fish Tunnel - Lake Superior.

Published by The Federated Press, Limited of Montreal, of which I've not heard before. Clearly torn out of a booklet.

28 May 2016

1 favorite

229 visits

7087. Connaught Tunnel - Canadian Rockies.

A nice card illustrating the Connaught Tunnel, which began operation on Dec. 16, 1916. Coast Publishing Co., Vancouver. Interestingly it was the 58 fatalities in the Rogers Pass avalanche in 1912, illustrated on one of my G. A. Barrowclough postcards, that was the "last straw" and led the CPR to go ahead with the Connaught Tunnel project the following year. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Connaught_Tunnel_(British_Columbia)