Field, B.C., and Mount Stephen (Alt. 10,523), Canadian Rockies (600,152)

Rocky Mountains

139 visits  |  Translate into English

23 Nov 2013

201 visits

Field, B.C., and Mount Stephen (Alt. 10,523), Canadian Rockies (600,152)

Message across the entire back: "Aug. 29th, 1913. Many happy returns on your birthday. From Annie and Horace. Montreal, P.Q., Canada." Valentine & Sons card 600,152.

23 Nov 2013

190 visits

Tower of Babel and Mount Fay, Ten Peak Valley, Canadian Rockies (600,156)

Unused, no. 600,156.

23 Nov 2013

226 visits

Valley of the Ten Peaks, Laggan, Canadian Rockies

Similar to the Field card, this has a message from Annie and Horace regarding the same birthday. The message is dated August 29, 1913. Valentine & Sons no. 100,441 (if I'm reading it right).

23 Nov 2013

243 visits

Twin Falls, Yoho Valley, Canadian Rockies (600,145)

Another birthday card dated Aug. 29, 1913. Here it is revealed that the birthday person is Annie's mother. There are separate messages from Horace and Annie. The one from Horace reads: "Thank you very much for the trainload of views from Rotherham. Hope to see them again some-day. Sincerely, from Horace, Montreal, Canada." So the views from Canada are meant to repay the mother's kindness in having sent over views of the young couple's home town in England (Yorkshire). Valentine & Sons no. 600,145.

23 Nov 2013

199 visits

Mount Stephen (Alt. 10,523), Canadian Rockies (600,153)

Unused card. Number difficult to read but appears to be 600,153.

23 Nov 2013

237 visits

Three Sisters, Banff, Canadian Rockies (100,151)

Mailed March 28, 1911 to Miss L. Price, 26 Arden Road, Birchfields, Birmingham, England. No message. Valentine & Sons 100,151.

23 Nov 2013

154 visits

Fraser River, near Spuzzum, Canadian Rockies (102,799)

Unused card, no. 102,799 in the Valentine & Sons series.

23 Nov 2013

198 visits

Moraine Lake, Valley of the Ten Peaks

Card (no. 1259) by Thompson's Studio of Vancouver, B.C., showing Moraine Lake. Posted at Laggan, Alberta, January 14, 1907 to Mrs Blackman, 9 Eldon Road, Worthing, Sussex, England: "I hope this is the right address. I will write soon. Hope you are all well. Sid."

23 Nov 2013

234 visits

Sir Donald, Uto, and Eagle Peak, Canadian Rockies

Unused Valentine & Sons card, no. 600,131.
15 items in total