G.T.R. Double Track through the Garden of Canada (102,198)

To England

G.T.R. Double Track through the Garden of Canada (…

23 Nov 2013 307
Interesting image of a Grand Trunk train. Posted at Hamilton, Ontario, May 3, 1908 to Miss W. Green, Danson Park Stables, Welling, Kent, England. No. 102,198 in the Valentine & Sons series. Undivided back.

On the North-West Arm, Halifax, N.S.

23 Nov 2013 270
This is a very early MacFarlane card without the MacFarlane identification. It has the Halifax coat of arms on the front. The card was mailed on January 5, 1903 at Halifax to Miss H. (?) Field, Strathfield, Leamington, Warwickshire, England. No message. Has the typical "Private Mailing Card" back.

Twin Falls, Yoho Valley, Canadian Rockies (600,145…

23 Nov 2013 244
Another birthday card dated Aug. 29, 1913. Here it is revealed that the birthday person is Annie's mother. There are separate messages from Horace and Annie. The one from Horace reads: "Thank you very much for the trainload of views from Rotherham. Hope to see them again some-day. Sincerely, from Horace, Montreal, Canada." So the views from Canada are meant to repay the mother's kindness in having sent over views of the young couple's home town in England (Yorkshire). Valentine & Sons no. 600,145.

Three Sisters, Banff, Canadian Rockies (100,151)

23 Nov 2013 238
Mailed March 28, 1911 to Miss L. Price, 26 Arden Road, Birchfields, Birmingham, England. No message. Valentine & Sons 100,151.

Bridges over Desjardins Canal, Hamilton, Ont.

23 Nov 2013 305
Addressed to Miss L. Price, 26 Arden Road, Birchfields, Birmingham, England (addressee of many of these cards. No. 101,235 in the Valentine & Sons series. No message. Postmarked July 30, 1908 at Hamilton, Ont.

Mink Tunnel, Lake Superior

23 Nov 2013 257
To Miss K. A. Bridge, Heaton Park, Manchester, England "With kind regards, Violet Farries, Winnipeg, 1/18/1912. The Valentine number is cut off (it's at lower left), except for the very tops of the numbers, which suggest that it could be 100,527.

Moraine Lake, Valley of the Ten Peaks

23 Nov 2013 199
Card (no. 1259) by Thompson's Studio of Vancouver, B.C., showing Moraine Lake. Posted at Laggan, Alberta, January 14, 1907 to Mrs Blackman, 9 Eldon Road, Worthing, Sussex, England: "I hope this is the right address. I will write soon. Hope you are all well. Sid."

City Hall, Ottawa (102,696)

23 Nov 2013 246
Valentine & Sons no. 102,696, addressed to the famous Miss L. Price, 26 Arden Road, Birchfields, Birmingham, England. "Oct. 11/13 Dear Lizzie, We had a nice holiday in the country this year for two weeks, also very nice weather. I expect to see my nephew from Hamilton on Thanksgiving Day which falls on the 20th of this month. With love, Ernest."

Sir Donald (Alt. 10,808) and Illecillewaet Glacier…

23 Nov 2013 258
Another card from Annie to her mother, this one revealing her mother's name and location: "Mrs. Wadkin, Maltby, Rotherham". Annie thanks her mother for the gloves. Valentine & Sons card no. 600,132.

The Giant Rock, Great Gorge Route, Niagara Falls

22 Nov 2013 226
Letter sent to Miss E. R. Bush, High Croft, Nr. Frome, Somerset, England: "Aug. 29th. Hello Rosalie - Just a thought from Canada. How goes the world with you? I went this trip the first Summer I spent in Canada. It is grand. Have just returned home from a little holiday. Accept my love for Auld Lang Syne. My days are busy ones. Full up with all sorts of interest. Ambulance work to the fore now. Yours etc. M. Millard, 11 Poplar Plains, Toronto." (I can see about where that is out the window -- the card has come almost full circle after spending 101 years in England!) It is Valentine & Sons no. 101,731 and was posted at Toronto on August 30, 1912.

Swing Bridge at Entrance to Harbour, Hamilton, Ont…

22 Nov 2013 335
Valentine & Sons card no. 101,825, posted March 11, 1907 at Hamilton to M. E. Nash, 129 Victoria Street, Burton-on-Trent, Staffordshire, England. The letter reads: "222 Charlton Ave. W., Hamilton, Ont. Canada. Dear Eadie, just a line to let you know we have changed our address once again + Sam is not going to bother about the club again as he has bought a house so he does not think he will ever live in England again, will write again soon as I am coming how. Love to all believe me. Your sincerely friend, M. E. T."

Montreal from Mount Royal

22 Nov 2013 245
Valentine & Sons divided-back card no. 100,075, mailed at Montreal on February 15, 1906. Addressed to Miss Seymour, 20 Manchester Square, London W., England with the message: "D. S. Just a P.C. hope you are well we are all fine having lots of snow yesterday and to day hoping to see you soon. Best regards to all. Yours T. P. M. (??), From Montreal."

Main Street, Boissevain

28 Sep 2013 284
Card showing Boissevain's Main Street, mailed there on June 26, 1905 to Miss Ella Giffard, Highfield, Bishop's Waltham, Hants, England.

Rosedale Ravine, Toronto, Ont. Canada (106,719)

30 Nov 2013 763
Valentine & Sons. no. 106,719 is a lovely multiview of the Rosedale Ravine. The message, which fills the entire back, reads: "Dear Lily, What do you think of this P.C. This is very near where we live. Ocourse [sic] it is not all like this a few miles from here is the city of Toronto + that is almost like London only it is cleaner. With love from Daisy. P.S. Frank always remembers your P.C. Album + wishes it was his."

Entrance to the Johnstown Flood, Dominion Park, Mo…

30 Nov 2013 1 605
Valentine & Sons no. 101,620, showing a Johnstown Flood exhibit in Montreal. Message readers "Have received your Photo. It's very good indeed. This place is something like your White City I guess. They charge 15c to see this show, but it's very good indeed, all miniature people, railway trains etc." Addressed to Miss M. S. H. Harris, 24 Cornbrook Park Rd., Old Trefford, Manchester, England and postmarked Lachine Locks, Que., on July 19, 1907.

Victoria Square, Montreal.

30 Nov 2013 326
W. G. MacFarlane no. I.459, showing Victoria Square. Postmarked May 9, 1910 at Montreal to Miss Mossop, 8, Bank Terrace, Lindal-in-Furness, Nr. Ulverston, England. "Another. Tell Bob I have not been able to get any yet of the Locomotives. Will send one when I do. J. M."

Windsor Hotel from St. James Cathedral, Montreal (…

30 Nov 2013 309
Valentine & Sons card 106,131, posted on May 18, 1913 at Montreal to Miss Phyllis Prior, 19 Grosvenor Road, Westcliffe-on-Sea Essex, England. "The Windsor Hotel, Montreal, P.Q. Sunday. I have got to spend all day here and find it pretty hard to kill time -- I wish I could take "theh darling" for a walk on the front. It is nice + warm here. Sunny now tho' very wet when I arrived this morning. Best love, C."

Parc Lafontaine, Montreal (102,177)

30 Nov 2013 327
Valentine & Sons card no. 102,177, posted July 7, 1910 to Miss Mossop, 8, Bank Terrace, Lindal in Furness, Lancashire, England: "Sorry I sent you two of the same kind. Have kept no record, and don't know what I have sent. Very good fo the junior F.C. Recognized them all. J.M."

56 items in total