I. C. R. Station, Truro, N.S.

Town = Truro (N.S.)

21 Nov 2013

368 visits

I. C. R. Station, Truro, N.S.

Posted October 4, 1904 at Truro, N.S., showing the Intercolonial Railway station Warwick Bros. & Rutter no. 192, a very early undivided back. Message: "We arrived all Right on the 15th at Mtl (?) and 20th at Truro."

13 Aug 2014

246 visits

One of Natures Walks, Victoria Park, Truro, N.S.

Published by The Stanfield-Smith Co. Limited of Truro. The Stanfield name is now associated with their underwear factory that is still in operation in Truro, and also with the Hon. Robert Stanfield, who came within a few votes of becoming Prime Minister of Canada in 1972. The card was posted on Octover 16, 1908 as part of a postcard exchange. It sees to have a 1d. postage due stamp on it as it was franked with a 1c stamp only (to Mr. Claude F. Scothon, 55 Windsor Street, Nottingham, England): "Would you kindly send me some views of Nottingham and if you wish it I will send more of Truro. Address Eva M. Purcell, P.). Box 517 Truro, N.S., Colchester Co., Canada."

25 Sep 2014

292 visits

4119. College Bldg., Govt. Exp. Farm, Truro, N.S.

Posted Dec. 17, 1908 at Truro. Warwick Bros. & Rutter no. 4597.

05 Jun 2014

177 visits

In Victoria Park, Truro, N.S.

Valentine & Sons no. 101,873, posted at Londonderry, (N.S.), August 12, 1910 to Mrs. E. E. Bacon, 30 Walnut St., Medford, Mass., with a short letter from M. E. Spencer.

05 Jun 2014

180 visits

Looking down Prince Street, Truro, N.S.

Valentine & Sons no. 111,313, with a letter across the entire back, apparently page 5 of a longer letter, reading "This is the main street, the post office, Y.M.C.A. building, most of the Churches and the College are on this treat. This part of the town is known as down town. It is about a quarter of a mile from the stores on Inglis St. The square is also on this street. I guess you must of been glad to get out Sunday. Lester is getting good pay, if he keeps it up, he ..."