Big Tree, Stanley Park, Vancouver, B.C.


05 Nov 2013

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1 285 visits

Big Tree, Stanley Park, Vancouver, B.C.

This is European Import Co., Chromo-Serie No. 28, made in Germany, unused except a message scrawled across the back: "For Jessie, with love from us all, J. E. Saul."

05 Jun 2014

215 visits

Water St. Looking South. Shelburne, N.S.

Published by Miss M. P. Wentzell. Made in Germany. No. D 878 12. Mailed to Mrs. A. W. Hopkins, 37 Holton St., Allston, Mass.: "Shelburne HS., Aug. 10, 1912. I am having a fine time. Go out rowing almost every day. Love to all, Evelyn."

04 Apr 2015

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256 visits

5302. Alma Street, Moncton, N.B. (107,472)

Valentine & Sons, no. 107,472, unused.