Parliament Buildings and Sir John A. Macdonald's Statue

Provincial and State Legislatures

22 Nov 2013

233 visits

Parliament Buildings and Sir John A. Macdonald's Statue

Unused Valentine & Sons card of Queen's Park. A premium style of card, with especially rich colouring, textured paper and the oval shape. No Valentine & Sons number visible.

09 Jun 2013

207 visits

Parliament Buildings, Winnipeg

Valentine & Sons card no. 100,368, showing the Manitoba legislative building on Kennedy Street. The card is unused and in excellent condition.

08 Dec 2013

237 visits

Saskatchewan Legislative Buildings, Regina, Saskatchewan

First of two Camera Products Co. cards, with the hand colouring of Mrs. Ida Spalding, the wife of photographer J. Fred Spalding who was responsible for the pictures. Camera Products was active from 1926 through the late 1950s. This one is Regina Series no. 4.

07 Jan 2014

250 visits

Government House with Parliament Buildings in Background, Winnipeg, Manitoba.

Valentine Edy card no. V.E. 1000, showing a nice angle on the new Legislature. The card likely dates from the 1920s but is unused. The reverse includes the standard Valentine & Sons split-globe logo and states "BRITISH MANUFACTURE".

07 Jan 2014

224 visits

Best Wishes from Canada - Toronto

09 Jan 2014

245 visits

Manitoba Parliament Buildings, Winnipeg

Unused W. G. MacFarlane card.

03 Mar 2014

1 favorite

308 visits

Parliament Buildings

Unused Russell, Lang & Co. card. No. 2 in the series.

06 Jun 2014

222 visits

Provincial Parliament Buildings, Fredericton, N.B.

A Nerlich card, no. A. 730. 293., posted at Fredericton (year unclear). "Dear Ellenor, Thought I would send you and Harry a card. I was glad to know that you thought of granmaw. I hope you will be a good girl. From Granmaw." To Ellenor Sewell 14-16--6 St N., Minneapolis, Minn.

02 Apr 2016

94 visits

6808. Provincial Legislative Buildings, Fredericton, N.B., Canada.

Unused coloured RPPC. See the separate image of the back, which indicates that it is published by PECO but also uses the Valentine's branding.
10 items in total