Hanlans Point, Toronto.

Place = Toronto Island(s)

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28 Oct 2013

1 comment

326 visits

Hanlans Point, Toronto.

This Valentine & Sons moonlight card (no. 101,806) was sent by Alfred J. Clark with the typewritten message: "139 Spadina Ave. Toronto, Ont. , Canada 19.2.1911 Dear Miss Leech, Shall be glad to exchange cards with you Mr. T. Walker as [has?] done collecting so gave me your address. I shall be gald to hear from you SOON. What kind do [you?] like. Yours Etc. Alfred J. Clark." Interestingly this message is typed across the entire back but there is a cancelled stamp in the stamp box -- it looks as though the card was mailed in an envelope and then Miss Leech cut the stamp off the envelope and pasted it over the stamp box on the card. Kind of a pretty moonlight card showing the amusement park at Hanlan's Point on Toronto Island.

14 Dec 2013

226 visits

Centre Island, Toronto (103,487)

Valentine & Sons card no. 103,487, unused.

25 Sep 2014

286 visits

4115. Hanlon's Point at night, Toronto, Canada.

Valentine & Sons. I don't see a number. Very nice "dusk" effect. Unused.