First Baptist Church, Winnipeg, Man.

Town = Winnipeg

First Baptist Church, Winnipeg, Man.

28 Sep 2013 248
Valentine & Sons no. 105,164, mailed from Calmar, Alta., to Mr. A. D. Rouse, Corn Hill, Kings Co., N.B., Canada.

Winnipeg Auditorium, Winnipeg, Manitoba.

23 Nov 2013 168
Valentine Edy Co. Ltd. card mailed June 25, 1934 in Winnipeg to Mr. R. Dickey of Govan, Sask. The sender, Earl, says "Dear Dad: Got a lower berth here allright. Have been rather sleepy all day. But am enjoying the trip. there are a lot of people on the team."

Parliament Buildings, Winnipeg

09 Jun 2013 207
Valentine & Sons card no. 100,368, showing the Manitoba legislative building on Kennedy Street. The card is unused and in excellent condition.

5989 - The Merchant's Bank - Post Office

07 Jan 2014 316
Russell, Lang & Co. card (as apparently republished from the Detroit Photographic Co. original -- no. 5989) and turned into a Christmas greeting card. It's an undivided back, likely from 1901 or 1902 but not dated or posted.

Market Square, Winnipeg, Canada.

07 Jan 2014 239
Rare view of the expanded Market Building, which had been converted from market stalls into civic offices after space ran out at City Hall. As can be seen here, the market continued on the outside of the building. This card by the Post Card & Greeting Card Co. of Toronto is numbered 63-5 and was sent on July 11, 1936 to Miss Joan Reeve at Victoria Beach from her father.

Manitoba Parliament Buildings, Winnipeg

09 Jan 2014 245
Unused W. G. MacFarlane card.

Red River - Winnipeg

21 Jan 2014 1 250
De Nobele card 21, mailed in 1906 (see separate image of the reverse). Showing Drewry's brewery as noted in the comment below.

Government House - Winnipeg.

21 Jan 2014 279
De Nobele card 22, mailed in 1906 (see separate image of the reverse).

Old Folks' Home, St Boniface

01 Mar 2014 201
Tissot card no. 16, posted October 31, 1966 at Quebec City.

Land Titles Building, Winnipeg

01 Mar 2014 205
Tissot card no. 34. It is hard to tell when these cards were made, other than that the truck in the image suggests perhaps the 1920s. Interestingly, this card and its companion were mailed on October 31, 1966 at Quebec City to an address in that city.

Edmonton Street, Winnipeg, Man.

02 Mar 2014 256
Unused Russell Lang & Co. card no. 155 (presumably a reissue of an identical Warwick Bros. & Rutter card).

Parliament Buildings

03 Mar 2014 1 308
Unused Russell, Lang & Co. card. No. 2 in the series.

Holy Trinity Church

03 Mar 2014 1 368
Holy Trinity Church at Donald and Graham in Winnipeg. Card no. 14 in the Russell, Lang & Co. series.

Empire Hotel

03 Mar 2014 1 340
No. 5 in the Russell, Lang & Co. series. Unused.

S. S. Alberta at Riverside Park.

10 Apr 2014 214
Stedman (Brantford and Winnipeg) card no. S B 4945 (recorded by Smith), not postally used but with the message: "17.12.12 Dear Lizzie, This is to wish thee many happy returns of thy birthday. We are always pleased to hear any news of you thro' the Fritchley Chronicle. It would be nice to see you all again. With much love, Thy friend, M. ? Wallace" Fritchley is a village in Derbyshire.

Main Street, Winnipeg

10 Apr 2014 1 155
The famous Notman image -- I thought the colouring on this card might be superior to some of the others I have. Will have to check. The Valentine & Sons number is cut off at lower left.

Broadway Avenue and Methodist Church, Winnipeg, Ma…

10 Apr 2014 193
Posted August 31, 1910 to Mr. George Charbonneau, Arnprior, Ont.: "416 Victor St. Hello George, We arrived safe and sound in the Peg and had a swell trip. How is Arnprior. Blanche." Valentine & Sons card no. 103,378.

Interior of St. Mary's Catholic Church, Winnipeg,…

10 Apr 2014 192
Posted May 1, 1911 with a Fort William and Winnipeg RPO postmark. Addressed to Miss M. A. Crocker, Hespeler, Ontario, Box 235: "Winnipeg - Have been around the City I think it a very nice place have ?? kept well have some very nice people on the train hope all are well write soon. Maude XXX" Valentine & Sons card 106,345.

61 items in total