Winnipeg Letter Carriers, 1912

Identified people

10 May 2014

229 visits

Winnipeg Letter Carriers, 1912

By Russell Photo Studio, Cor. Main St. & Pacific Ave., Winnipeg. Unused, no message. Presumably obtained and sent by "Syd". The names are legible.

20 Nov 2015

256 visits

5974. Schubert Choir and Pittsburg Orchestra

"Toronto, Nov. 10th 1907 Dear Miss Woods, I am fine. I send you picture of Orchestra + Gertrude the choir. Miss May McKinnon, 30 Dafoe St." Souuvenir Post Card posted at Toronto, Nov. 12, 1907 to Miss Woods, Kleinburg, P. O., Ont. with a readdress: "Try Coleraine" Undivided back. Interesting that the only woman in the orchestra was the harpist. Emil Paur -

10 Sep 2013

249 visits

Big rock from the Slide, Frank, Alta.

This is also addressed to Mr. Cobley and was sent the same day. What is quite interesting is the message: "Dear Cousin, Where you see X is myself and Wife. George." It is extremely unusual to see someone identify himself on a lithographed card, which could not be published for a considerable time after the photo was taken.