Shipping headquarters, Wm. Pearson Co. Ltd. Last Mountain Lake, Sask.

Emigrant letters

08 Dec 2013

401 visits

Shipping headquarters, Wm. Pearson Co. Ltd. Last Mountain Lake, Sask.

A William Pearson Co. card, addressed in an unpracticed hand to Mr Peter Kreh, Bearlin [sic], Ont. "Strassburg, July 27 Dear Berother, I am going to stard work today in a feding Stabel this man has lots of hay to cut I am getting $40 a mont. but you better stay were you are I will write you lader a letter write soon John" The Berlin, Ont. receiver on the front of the card is dated July 29, 1911.

07 Jan 2014

244 visits


Taken at Royal Studio with their stamp (299 Portage Avenue, Winnipeg). "Woodbine Hotel, Winnipeg. I am still enjoying life in Winnipeg. Billy and I are coming home next summer. Tell Mrs Adams and all the rest I was asking about them. Your old Friend, Alex." This was addressed to Miss Maggie Adams, Adams Temperance Hotel, Aberdeen, Scotland and postmarked December 6, 1910. No doubt the fur coat would have been regarded as something quite exotic by the recipient.

12 Jan 2014

1 comment

350 visits

Elk River Crossing, Dewdney Trail.

Postmarked at Moose Jaw, Sask., on Apr. 1, 1908 to Miss Hotchkiss, 44 Eaton Rise, Ealing, London, England: "Do not think for one moment that this scene is anywhere near where I am; if it was I would be happy. This prairie life gets very monotonous. Am glad to hear Grandfather keeps so well. Please give everyone my love. Am having very cold wintry weather. Am glad to report very good health. Harold."

24 Apr 2014

233 visits

Y. M. C. A. Building, Winnipeg.

A new example in Russell, Lang & Co.'s "Beautiful Manitoba Series" -- this shows the YMCA Building at Portage and Smith, which shortly thereafter was purchased by Birks Jewellers and extensively altered to become their Winnipeg store. The Birks Building remains in this location in almost unchanged form 100 years later. While the c. 1912 renovation from YMCA (above) to Birks made major changes to the exterior of the building, the window pattern is mostly recognizable and one of the peaked towers (the one around the side) was retained. In this version, the central window on the uppermost floor (which window was removed during the renovation) has the name "Young Men's Christian Association" carved around the semi-circular arch that encloses it. The letter, addressed to "Miss Gilbert, Coventry Road, Hinckley, England", has a Fort William & Winnipeg RPO cancel. It reads: "6/7/04 Dear Minnie, Altho I am here in Winnipeg, I can make no advance in seeing George. I have been to the Emirgration office + the C. P. Railway but they are much too busy to answer inquiries -- they are swarmed with new arrivals. This is a most wonderful town, better laid out than any I have ever seen + with better warehouses + business places than anything in England. Streets 44 + 60 feet wide - avenues of trees - Beautiful lawn mown grass 10 feet wide in the centre + on either side between the roadway + causeway. It is marvellous. Both well. Hope you all are. Frank."

13 Aug 2014

278 visits

Canada [Oilette]

Tuck Oilette no. 2552, postd at Toronto on September 23, 1914 to Mr. R. Barkley, Ballarat Street, Ravenhill Road, Belfast, Ireland: "205 Keele St., Toronto, Dear R. Just a PC to let you see I am alive + well but very homesick. Drop me a line + let me know how you are getting along + give me all the news. "Are you going to the war" isn't it awful. Write soon. A. L. McI." [not sure about the "I"]

08 Nov 2014

306 visits

4428. Green's Point - Buffalo Lake, Moose Jaw, Sask. [c2]

Porter photo. Postmarked at Keeler, Sask., July 12, 1909 to Mr. Alex Murray in Niagara Falls, although it was readdressed eventually to Fort Erie: "Eyebrow, Sask., July 9/09 Dear Friend, I suppose you are having a find time at the Falls. I am going to Caron for the twelfth of July. This is a fine country up here but I would rather be home. "

20 Nov 2015

214 visits

5964. Incline Railway, First Street, Edmonton, Alta.

Stedman Bros., no. 1306 posted at Edmonton on Aug. 31 of an unclear year to Mrs. R. Thompson, 71 Post St., Rochester, N.Y. "Dear Mother, We have had nothing but rain and still it looks like more. The people are all going to the farm in a auto but mother and I. I hope you had a good time at the cottage. Labor Day they are not even going to have a parade here. I think they are slow. Mildred" Hopefully Mildred's mother sent back a bit of a pep talk.

23 Apr 2016

209 visits

6926. Prince Edward Hotel, Canadian Northern Railway, Brandon, Man. [109,735]

Valentine & Sons, no. 109,735. Posted at Kenton May on Nov. 5, 19-- to Miss Daisy Rattray, Little Gourdas, Fyvie, Aberdeenshire, Scotland. Unusually, there are 3c in stamps so this must have been during the war. "Kenton, Manitoba Dear Daisy, Just a P.C. to say we have arrived here safe but feels some tired after the long journey. We stayed in this town one night. I am writing Elsie a long letter so you will all get a read of it. I sent your mother a P.C. of the boat. Also Elsie, I hope you are all well. We have lots of snow here so it is real cold. I hope you will write me some times. Write to this address + I will get it where ever I am. Best love to all from us both your loving Aunty Doddie."