Thousand Islands, Brockville, Ont.

Place = Thousand Islands (Ontario)

79 visits  |  Translate into English

21 Oct 2013

226 visits

Thousand Islands, Brockville, Ont.

Postmarked November 6, 1911 at Montreal and addressed to Miss L. Price in Birmingham (same address as in numerous other postcards in this set, sent by "Ernest"). Valentine & Sons image no. 600,406.

28 Oct 2013

253 visits

Mississaqua, 1000 Islands, St. Lawrence River

Postmarked at Montreal on October 27, 1908. Valentine & Sons no. 103,018. Addressed to Miss L. Price, 26 Arden Rd., Birchfields, Birmingham, England (one of many cards I have that were addressed to her).

23 Nov 2013

215 visits

Thousand Islands, The Westminster Park Hotel.

Unused card published by C. M. Bannister of Watertown, N.Y. No. 2525. Made in Germany.

30 Nov 2013

273 visits

In Halstead Bay, 1000 Islands, St. Lawrence River (101,560)

Valentine & Sons rustic frame no. 101,560 sent locally from Brockville to Mr. Gerald Way of Picton on May 30, 1910, from Maude.