Prospect Point, Niagara Falls.

Publisher = N. Co.

Folder: Publishers

19 Oct 2013

227 visits

Prospect Point, Niagara Falls.

N. Co. card postmarked at Niagara Falls, Not., on Oct. 21, 1908. Message simply says: "Here today. Beyond words. J.W.B." Addressee is Master K. Bryan Smith, Edgerton, Dyke Road, Brighton, England.

19 Oct 2013

209 visits

Victoria Park. London, Canada.

N. Co. card, unused.

19 Oct 2013

214 visits

The Mint, Ottawa, Canada.

N. Co. card. Postmarked September 9, 1907 at Ottawa, Canada and addressed to Miss Mabel Purdy c/o H.C. Brown Esq. Yoxford House, King's Lynn, Norfolk, England.

19 Oct 2013

350 visits

C. P. R. Steamer in Canadian Lock. Sault Ste. Marie, Canada.

N. Co. card. Postmarked October 22, 1907 at Hamilton, Ont., addressed to Miss A. M. Bex, 93 Avondale Rd., Sth Croydon, Surrey, England: "21/10/07 Thanks for P.P.C. Dear M. This is the Boat I went on to see Grace. It is called "Alberta". It is a very nice ship + the dinner was great. Had a nice trip. Left Grace well + all the rest. Good bye for now. Your Loving Bro, Harry"