Wolfe's Monument, Plains of Abraham, Quebec, Canada.


19 Oct 2013

258 visits

Wolfe's Monument, Plains of Abraham, Quebec, Canada.

Postmarked at Quebec, August 28, 1909, a Warwick Bros. & Rutter card (no. 466) with the intricate Warwick back. Writer notes "This city is full of charm" -- addressed to Mrs. Oscar Beebe, Orient Point, Long Island, New York.

19 Oct 2013

215 visits

City Hall and Volunteer Monument, Winnipeg

No. 72 in MacFarlane's first series. "Private Mailing Card" undivided back, unused.

22 Nov 2013

233 visits

Parliament Buildings and Sir John A. Macdonald's Statue

Unused Valentine & Sons card of Queen's Park. A premium style of card, with especially rich colouring, textured paper and the oval shape. No Valentine & Sons number visible.

10 Jan 2014

295 visits

Laval Monument, Quebec

Mailed March 28, 1911 at Montreal to Miss L. Price of Birmingham once again. Valentine & Sons card no. 104,365.

03 Mar 2014

1 favorite

308 visits

Parliament Buildings

Unused Russell, Lang & Co. card. No. 2 in the series.

07 Mar 2014

247 visits

Memorial Tower, North West Arm, Halifax, N.S.

Unused card by Connolly, the Stationer, Barrington Street, Halifax, N.S. (the stamp box identifies it as produced by "The Albertype Co., Brooklyn, N.Y."

07 Mar 2014

207 visits

Jubilee Fountain in Public Gardens. Halifax, N.S.

Montreal Import Co. card no. 902, posted at Faversham (Eng.) on August 4, 1911 to Mrs. A. Rowden, 67 Charles St., Gillingham: "Dear Aunt, I shall start from here by the 25 minutes to 3 train. I shall be about half an hour running up. I think that is the one you mean. With Love, Linda."

24 Jun 2014

521 visits

Great War Memorial, Victoria Park, Moncton, New Brunswick.

PECO (Photogelatine) card, unused.

30 Jun 2014

1 comment

344 visits

City Hall and Volunteer Monument, Winnipeg, Man.

Warwick Bros. & Rutter card no. 1012S, posted with a Levis & Montreal R.P.O. cancel on September 24, 1906 to Miss Effie White of Coaticook, P.Q.: "I was pleased to read on your last card "Don't forget to answer this." My memory is fine when *such warnings* are given and with pleasure do I yield to *such warnings*. Write once more and then I'll be in Coaticook. C."
14 items in total