Shadow River, Muskoka

Place = Muskoka

29 Oct 2013

224 visits

Shadow River, Muskoka

Warwick Bros. & Rutter no. 4592 S, mailed to Mrs. Dumpty-Wright, Wrentham, Wangford, Suffolk, England and postmarked at Seguin Falls, Ontario on Jan. 13, 1908.

15 Nov 2013

291 visits

On Lake Joseph, Muskoka Lakes (100,518)

Postmarked at Toronto, November 7, 1906 "Nov. 7th 06 Another view of Muskoka Lakes by moonlight. Guess you had better start a "Canadian Book" for P.C.'s. What do you say? I am sending five [crossed out] six this time. Hope you get them all." The fortunate recipient was Miss D. Mulhern, Craignair, Higham Road, Woodford Green, Essex, England. Valentine & Sons no. 100,518.

15 Nov 2013

303 visits

Bala Falls, Muskoka Lakes (100,516)

Valentine & Sons no. 100,516, with message as follows: "Many thanks for the very pretty p.c. received this morning. Gladys Stewart." This was sent to Mis M. A. Bayley, 4 Duke Street, St. James, London, England. The date on the front is May 1, 1906. The back is a Valentine & Sons back I'm not sure I've seen before, with the word CANADIAN set in small letters, all caps above the words POST CARD in larger upper case letters.

15 Nov 2013

238 visits

A Bit of Lake Rosseau, Muskoka Lakes (100,551)

Unused Valentine & Sons card, no. 100,551. Attractive view of Lake Rosseau.

23 Nov 2013

236 visits

Rapids, Musquosh River, Muskoka (100,979)

Posted at Bala, Ont., on September 10, 1906, with an image depicting a wedding glued on the back (it's a rather sombre depiction) and the message: '"Lead us not into Temptation" Dear Beatie, hope this will not hurt your feelings but you know when an occasion comes my way like this I must use it. Kind regards to Percy guess he'll be knocking the stuffing out of me. Love to Ma + Pa hope to hear from them soon. George.' To Miss B. Gent, 1 Tendring Villas, Church Road, Clacton on Sea, Essex, England.

08 Dec 2013

259 visits

The Sagamo

Cover from the Muskoka Lakes Line, Gravenhurst, Ont. Posted to Washington D.C. but the date isn't clear.

10 Jan 2014

388 visits

Bala Wharf, Muskoka Lakes, Canada.

Unused Photogelatine Engraving Co. Ltd. (Ottawa) card. Number 51.

03 May 2014

233 visits

Muskoka Wharf Station

Postcard posted February 19, 1900 with a Quebec & Richd. M. S. (Quebec and Richmond Mail Service?) cancel. As the reverse shows, this early postcard was actually a freight advice form. It is addressed to A. Montminy Esq., St. Giles, County Lotbinière (Quebec).

13 Aug 2014

374 visits

Stoney Lake Navigation Co.'s Steamer Stoney Lake

Unused Valentine & Sons card no. 105,417.