First Capilano Canyon, Vancouver, B.C.

Town = Vancouver

19 Oct 2013

215 visits

First Capilano Canyon, Vancouver, B.C.

Unused Valentine & Sons card no. 101,606.

05 Nov 2013

1 favorite

1 285 visits

Big Tree, Stanley Park, Vancouver, B.C.

This is European Import Co., Chromo-Serie No. 28, made in Germany, unused except a message scrawled across the back: "For Jessie, with love from us all, J. E. Saul."

09 Dec 2013

258 visits

Bathing Beach, English Bay, Vancouver, B.C.

Postmarked at Vancouver, September 15, 1920 to Miss Edith Silved, #406 ? St., Santa Rosa, Calif., U.S.A.: "Dear ???: This is a very pretty City + we would like it better if it would stop raining long enough for us to go out + see it. We are enjoying our trip very much. Wish you could all be with us. Love to all. Ronnie."

10 Apr 2014

2 favorites

1 comment

241 visits

"Seeing Vancouver" Auto at Big Tree, B.C.

Unused Valentine & Sons card. No number visible.

10 Apr 2014

226 visits

Granville Street showing Post Office, C.P.R. Depot, and Bank of Commerce, Vancouver, B.C. [105,701]

Unused Valentine & Sons card, no. 105.701, showing Vancouver, B.C.

28 May 2014

256 visits

Loading Logging Train near Vancouver, B.C.

Posted at Vancouver, Sept. 16, 1907 to Mr. B. Lloyd-Janes, Mt. Vernon, Ont. Long letter on back.

13 Dec 2015

281 visits

6050. Natural Bridge across Capilano Canyon, Vancouver, B.C.

W. G. MacFarlane, Toronto and Buffalo, no. I. 0728. Posted at Vancouver, B.C., on Aug. 17, 1907 to Miss Mary Grant, 1921 Brunswick Ave., Toronto, Ont. "My Dear Mary:- I hope I am not sending you many duplicates. 'Lovingly Yours'."