Montreal, Victoria Bridge - Pont Victoria

River = St. Lawrence

19 Oct 2013

292 visits

Montreal, Victoria Bridge - Pont Victoria

Weiss Import Co., Montreal, no. 103, unused.

28 Oct 2013

253 visits

Mississaqua, 1000 Islands, St. Lawrence River

Postmarked at Montreal on October 27, 1908. Valentine & Sons no. 103,018. Addressed to Miss L. Price, 26 Arden Rd., Birchfields, Birmingham, England (one of many cards I have that were addressed to her).

22 Nov 2013

245 visits

Montreal from Mount Royal

Valentine & Sons divided-back card no. 100,075, mailed at Montreal on February 15, 1906. Addressed to Miss Seymour, 20 Manchester Square, London W., England with the message: "D. S. Just a P.C. hope you are well we are all fine having lots of snow yesterday and to day hoping to see you soon. Best regards to all. Yours T. P. M. (??), From Montreal."

30 Nov 2013

273 visits

In Halstead Bay, 1000 Islands, St. Lawrence River (101,560)

Valentine & Sons rustic frame no. 101,560 sent locally from Brockville to Mr. Gerald Way of Picton on May 30, 1910, from Maude.

17 Jun 2014

380 visits

Montreal. Lachine Rapids.

Tuck OIlette "Montreal" series no. 2241, unused, showing the ship "Sovereign".

17 Jun 2014

185 visits

Quebec. Chateau Frontenac and Citadel.

Tuck Oilette series no. 2243 "Quebec", unused.

13 Aug 2014

1 favorite

1 comment

278 visits

View of Diamond Harbour, Quebec

Postmarked London (England), June 2, 1910 to Miss G. Kettleton, Skelbrook Vicarage, Doncaster, from Kitty. Valentine & Sons, but no number visible.

31 Jan 2015

553 visits

4673. Hoisting the Span, Quebec Bridge.

Unused real photo. No indication of the photographer.

04 Apr 2015

2 favorites

365 visits

5303. Lachine Rapids, Montreal, Canada.

Nerlich & Co., unused. A. 730. 316. Depicting the "Corsican".