Montreal, Bleury Street - rue Bleury

Town = Montreal

472 visits  |  Translate into English

19 Oct 2013

324 visits

Montreal, Bleury Street - rue Bleury

Weiss Import Co., Montreal, no. 136, unused. Likely 1920s.

21 Oct 2013

203 visits

Mount Royal from Notre Dame Tower, Montreal

Mailed at Montreal, July 24 (year unreadable) to Miss L. Price, 26 Arden Road, Birchfields, Birmingham, England. Valentine & Sons no. 106,119.

19 Oct 2013

236 visits


Illustrated Post Card Co. of Montreal, divided back, unused.

22 Nov 2013

233 visits

St. James' Cathedral, Montreal

Postmarked at Brantford, August 17, 1907, a Valentine & Sons undivided back card with the 100,000 series number cut off at lower right. Published for the Canada Railway News Co., Ltd., Toronto and addressed to Miss E. Niven, 16 Wellington St., Greenock, Scotland R. G.

22 Nov 2013

244 visits

Montreal from Mount Royal

Valentine & Sons divided-back card no. 100,075, mailed at Montreal on February 15, 1906. Addressed to Miss Seymour, 20 Manchester Square, London W., England with the message: "D. S. Just a P.C. hope you are well we are all fine having lots of snow yesterday and to day hoping to see you soon. Best regards to all. Yours T. P. M. (??), From Montreal."

30 Nov 2013

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605 visits

Entrance to the Johnstown Flood, Dominion Park, Montreal.

Valentine & Sons no. 101,620, showing a Johnstown Flood exhibit in Montreal. Message readers "Have received your Photo. It's very good indeed. This place is something like your White City I guess. They charge 15c to see this show, but it's very good indeed, all miniature people, railway trains etc." Addressed to Miss M. S. H. Harris, 24 Cornbrook Park Rd., Old Trefford, Manchester, England and postmarked Lachine Locks, Que., on July 19, 1907.

30 Nov 2013

326 visits

Victoria Square, Montreal.

W. G. MacFarlane no. I.459, showing Victoria Square. Postmarked May 9, 1910 at Montreal to Miss Mossop, 8, Bank Terrace, Lindal-in-Furness, Nr. Ulverston, England. "Another. Tell Bob I have not been able to get any yet of the Locomotives. Will send one when I do. J. M."

30 Nov 2013

309 visits

Windsor Hotel from St. James Cathedral, Montreal (106,131)

Valentine & Sons card 106,131, posted on May 18, 1913 at Montreal to Miss Phyllis Prior, 19 Grosvenor Road, Westcliffe-on-Sea Essex, England. "The Windsor Hotel, Montreal, P.Q. Sunday. I have got to spend all day here and find it pretty hard to kill time -- I wish I could take "theh darling" for a walk on the front. It is nice + warm here. Sunny now tho' very wet when I arrived this morning. Best love, C."

30 Nov 2013

327 visits

Parc Lafontaine, Montreal (102,177)

Valentine & Sons card no. 102,177, posted July 7, 1910 to Miss Mossop, 8, Bank Terrace, Lindal in Furness, Lancashire, England: "Sorry I sent you two of the same kind. Have kept no record, and don't know what I have sent. Very good fo the junior F.C. Recognized them all. J.M."
20 items in total