American Locks from Power House, Sault Ste. Marie, Ont.

Publisher = Novelty Manufacturing & Art Printing Co. (Montreal)

Folder: Publishers

19 Oct 2013

328 visits

American Locks from Power House, Sault Ste. Marie, Ont.

Card by Novelty Manufacturing & Art Printing Co. of Montreal. Likely 1920s. Numbered 425 and 49024 in the stamp box. Unused. Showing the U.S. side of the locks so the reference to Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario seems slightly misleading.

13 Aug 2014

1 comment

225 visits

General View, Waterloo, Que.

A Novelty Manufacturing & Art Co. (NAMCO, of Montreal) card, printed in Germany. Unused. No. 434253.

25 Sep 2014

283 visits

4113. The Mouth of the Saguenay, Tadousac, Canada.

Novelty Mfg. & Art Co. postcard in the "Scenes along the route of the Canada Steamships Line Limited" series. Unused.

05 Jun 2014

186 visits

Gaspereaux Valley, N.S.

Novelty Mfg. & Art Co. Ltd., Montreal with a logo from NAMCO Ltd, "imprimé en Allemagne" also present. Posted to Mrs Nellie Willard, Main St., Franklin, Mass., U.S.A.: "Having a lovely and interesting trip. The country is far more beautiful than we anticipated. Am sure you would enjoy it. Nettie."