Ryerson School, Hamilton, Canada

Town = Hamilton (Ontario)

18 Oct 2013

259 visits

Ryerson School, Hamilton, Canada

A Pugh Manufacturing Co. card, no. 487-37. Not used.

23 Nov 2013

305 visits

Bridges over Desjardins Canal, Hamilton, Ont.

Addressed to Miss L. Price, 26 Arden Road, Birchfields, Birmingham, England (addressee of many of these cards. No. 101,235 in the Valentine & Sons series. No message. Postmarked July 30, 1908 at Hamilton, Ont.

22 Nov 2013

335 visits

Swing Bridge at Entrance to Harbour, Hamilton, Ont.

Valentine & Sons card no. 101,825, posted March 11, 1907 at Hamilton to M. E. Nash, 129 Victoria Street, Burton-on-Trent, Staffordshire, England. The letter reads: "222 Charlton Ave. W., Hamilton, Ont. Canada. Dear Eadie, just a line to let you know we have changed our address once again + Sam is not going to bother about the club again as he has bought a house so he does not think he will ever live in England again, will write again soon as I am coming how. Love to all believe me. Your sincerely friend, M. E. T."

03 Dec 2013

1 comment

232 visits

Greetings from Hamilton, Canada

Postmarked at Hamilton on Aug. 14, 1913 to Miss D. Field, Heetle House, N. S. Tonbridge, Kent, England. "Dundas Dear D., Just a P.C. to say I am still alive ..." [hard to read]. This is one of several of these Gruss aus cards produced by Julius Bien & Co. of New York City.

03 Dec 2013

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1 comment

314 visits

The Terminal Station (Winter Night) Hamilton, Canada

Postmarked at Carluke, Ont., with date hard to read. To Mrs. Willard Smith, N. Glanford, Ont. The letter is dated July 28 at Alberton and is from Anne C.

13 Dec 2013

622 visits

King St., Hamilton, Ont., Looking East.

The second anchor back card. This was sold by Cloke, Bookseller, in Hamilton, Ont.

12 Jan 2014

242 visits

Queen Victoria Statue, Gore Park (103,866)

"This is built or rather 'erected' on the west of Gore Park. H. E. L." -- not postally used Valentine & Sons card.

17 Jun 2014

228 visits

Hamilton, Ont. General View, from the Mountain.

Tuck Oilette "Hamilton" series no. 2410, unused.