Minnedosa, Man. - The Town Among the Hills

Town = Minnedosa (Man.)

09 Oct 2013

231 visits

Minnedosa, Man. - The Town Among the Hills

Card no. 4274, Illustrated Post Card Co. of Montreal. Divided back but no message (as it was being sent outside the country). Addressee: Miss Willmott-Dixon, The Cottage, High Hurst Wood, Buxted, Sussex, England. Mailed at Bethany, Manitoba, August 28, 1906, with a transit cancel at Neepawa the same day. The history of Bethany school is given here. The hamlet appears to have had its day. Minnedosa, of course, is still going strong.

28 Sep 2013

267 visits

[Dam construction, Minnedosa, Man.]

Message is dated October 7, 1910 and the card was mailed at Minnedosa. Addressee was Miss Grace I. Peters, 216 N. Marks St., Ft. William, Ontario. Part of the message reads: "This card is a picture of the work going on at 'dam' sight. Quite a change from the quiet walk through the bushes. Keep it." The dam on the Little Saskatchewan River created Lake Minnedosa, initially a hydro reservoir but since the 1930s used for recreation. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minnedosa_Lake