
Personal postcards

07 Jan 2014

244 visits


Taken at Royal Studio with their stamp (299 Portage Avenue, Winnipeg). "Woodbine Hotel, Winnipeg. I am still enjoying life in Winnipeg. Billy and I are coming home next summer. Tell Mrs Adams and all the rest I was asking about them. Your old Friend, Alex." This was addressed to Miss Maggie Adams, Adams Temperance Hotel, Aberdeen, Scotland and postmarked December 6, 1910. No doubt the fur coat would have been regarded as something quite exotic by the recipient.

11 Apr 2014

177 visits

[Norwood, Ont.???]

Posted at Norwood, Ont., June 5, 1906. It looks like it could well be from there: e.g. this photo from Google Maps www.google.ca/maps/@44.385833,-77.97821,3a,75y,90t/data=!3m5!1e2!3m3!1s20886827!2e1!3e10 The card has an undivided back and was postmarked June 6, 1906 to Mr. E. H. Rowntree, 358 Donald St., Winnipeg, Man. and readdressed to the Kings Hotel, Dauphin. The message reads: "One I took just after the sun had set. E. S. F."

13 Dec 2015

1 comment

191 visits

6047. [On the way to the Lake]

This one is a little muddier looking in real life but Photoshop brightened it up very nicely. Posted Aug. 12, 1907 to Mrs. Wm. Mills, 28 Kennelworth Cres., Beech, Toronto: "My dear Hannah, All well here - I am none to[o] strong but gaining. Sorry Ella goes tomorrow evening. Picture of children on way to lake. Love to all. Affect., sister Sarah."