Cor. College & Spadina, Toronto.

Publisher = Pugh Manufacturing Co.

Folder: Publishers

28 Aug 2013

234 visits

Cor. College & Spadina, Toronto.

Looking south from College and Spadina (compare the other card looking in the opposite direction). This is a Pugh Manufacturing Co. card. Pugh cards are less commonly found today than those of Valentine & Co. Pugh was headquartered in downtown Toronto -- on Toronto Street I believe. They seem to have produced a huge selection of postcards from all parts of Canada, but you don't see them that often.

18 Oct 2013

259 visits

Ryerson School, Hamilton, Canada

A Pugh Manufacturing Co. card, no. 487-37. Not used.

14 Dec 2013

253 visits

Humber Bay, Toronto

A Pugh Manufacturing Co. card, addressed to Miss L. Wood, High Wt., Droitwich, Worcestershire, England (the writer had a bit of trouble spelling "Worcestershire"): "Dear Lizzie, Thanks very much for the present you sent me. XXX Elsie."

13 Feb 2014

246 visits

West Main St., Somerset, Man.

Pugh Manufacturing Co. card, with the numbers "925-1" and "234978" on the reverse. Mailed on December 28, 1911 from Waterloo, Ont. to Miss Eldna James, Ayres, Maine, U.S.A., Box 89: "Rec. your letter many thanks very interesting will write more soon, Truly yours, Harry Planz (?), Waterloo".

10 Apr 2014

182 visits

City Hall, Moose Jaw, Canada.

Pugh 578-19, addressed to Mrs. F. Masters, Niagara-on-[the]-Lake, Ontario: "Harrison P. Office Sask. March 1, 1911 Dear Friend, Just a line to let you know we are well and hope this will find you the same. I would like to have you drop me a line if convenient for you. Yours in C. H. P. Roseabelle Todd."

10 Apr 2014

186 visits

Court House, Moose Jaw, Canada.

Pugh Manufacturing Co. card no. 578-22, posted at Moose Jaw, May 16, 1910 to Mrs. Fred Masters, Niagara on [the] Lake, Ont.: "Dear friend, I have not forgotten you. I will write you next week, am busy just now we have started to keep house, remember me to each of sisters in A. Q. U. W. [?] Charlie joins with love to Fred + yourself and babe yours in C. H. P. Mr + Mrs. C. Todd ... Don't forget to write anyway."

16 Apr 2014

147 visits

A Battery of Reapers, Western Canada.

Pugh card no. 55-5. On this presumably early card, the company is called the "Pugh Specialty Co. Ltd."

28 May 2014

222 visits

St. Peter's C. B. from Mt. Granville & Entrance to Canal.

Apparently a Pugh card no. 493-1, printed in England and posted July 6, 1911 in West Ba--- (U.S.A.) to Miss Isabel C. Crane, 403 Washington St., Quincy, Mass.

21 Aug 2014

258 visits

3940. Hands Across the Sea. [Pugh]

"Christmas Greetings to you all, Your affectionate Brother, Robert" Not postally used. Published for Pugh, Toronto. Printed in Great Britain.
12 items in total