Ottawa - Birdseye View

Publisher = Illustrated Post Card Co. (Montreal)

Folder: Publishers

22 Aug 2013

427 visits

Ottawa - Birdseye View

Nice Illustrated Post Card Co. (Montreal) image of Ottawa. Posted there on May 16, 1906 to Mr. A. Nunn, 45 Hargurgne St., Brixton, London, S.W., England. That is Parliament Hill and in particular the West Block of Parliament (with a bit of the Centre Block -- destroyed by fire a decade later -- in the left foreground).

09 Oct 2013

231 visits

Minnedosa, Man. - The Town Among the Hills

Card no. 4274, Illustrated Post Card Co. of Montreal. Divided back but no message (as it was being sent outside the country). Addressee: Miss Willmott-Dixon, The Cottage, High Hurst Wood, Buxted, Sussex, England. Mailed at Bethany, Manitoba, August 28, 1906, with a transit cancel at Neepawa the same day. The history of Bethany school is given here. The hamlet appears to have had its day. Minnedosa, of course, is still going strong.

19 Oct 2013

238 visits


Illustrated Post Card Co. of Montreal, divided back, unused.

25 Sep 2014

246 visits

4112. Ottawa - The Basilica.

Illustrated Post Card Co. no. 403. Undivided back, addressed to Delle Graziella St Jacques, 12 St Julie, Montreal, Q.

02 Nov 2014

1 favorite

1 comment

272 visits

4340. General View, Fredericton, N. B.

Posted March 21, 1911 at Oshawa, Ontario to Miss Violet Elliott of Sprucedale, Ontario: "Dear Violet, I wrote a card from the B. O. yesterday P.M. saying I was so anxious because I hadn't heard from home. Fred brought one when he came home to supper and it had been lying in this office since Fri. morn. 14th. I am going up town to-day and am going to ask them where they had it all that time. It certainly is the limit. Hoping you are well, Yours Lovingly, Clara." Illustrated Post Card Co., Montreal.

04 Apr 2015

338 visits

5305. Sackville, N. B. - Methodist Church

Illustrated Post Card Co., Montreal, no. 4063.

06 Oct 2015

263 visits

5796. C. P. R. Station. Virden, Man.

Illustrated Post Card Co., Montreal. Another illustration of a "CPR Garden".