Alameda Hotel

Town = Alameda (Sask.)

22 Aug 2013

432 visits

Alameda Hotel

This photo postcard of the Alameda Hotel in Alameda, Sask. (presumably) presents a bit of a puzzle, since it has the appearance of being a Winnipeg Photo Co. card but is credited to Western Art Gallery of Oxbow, Sask. A great view. Hotel inscribed with the year "1909" indicating that it was almost new at the time of the photo.

01 Mar 2014

236 visits

Presbyterian Church, Alameda

Undivided back Atkinson Bros. card, postmarked Frobisher, Assa., April 1, 1906 (although a partial cancel only) to Miss Ida Mills, Tottingham [sic], Ontario. Not recorded in Smith's new Patriotics Handbook, v. 1.