Cowboys and Indians (strip from Greetings from Canada - Saskatchewan card)


31 Jul 2013

300 visits

Cowboys and Indians (strip from Greetings from Canada - Saskatchewan card)

This strip (which has one or two more images at the top end that couldn't be scanned) appears from under the Saskatchewan crest on the "Greetings from Canada" card.

28 Sep 2013

359 visits

Branding Cattle - Medicine Hat.

Mailed to Miss Jessie M. Oakes of Dundas, Ontario. Cancel is Moose Jaw & Calgary R.P.O., date indistinct but the Hamilton transfer (above) and Dundas receiver are both March 17, 1905. Back is undivided with the common "Private Post Card" in the arched banner, although with an unusual "Souvenir" printed above the banner.

24 Jul 2014

202 visits

Cowboys, Calgary, Alberta

Valentine & Sons no. 100,389, postmarked Jan. 8, 1906 (year doubtful) at Hargrave, Man. to Mr. Norris S. Viles, 243 Ward Street, Newton Centre, Mass.: "Dear Father: Today is your birthday. You have passed another milestone. Many congratulations. We are all well. We are having lovely spring weather. The grain is well up. Most everyone has finished seeding around here. Both oats and wheat are a good price. Hoping you are well. I am -- Lovingly -- Eva."