Greetings from Canada - Saskatchewan

Year = 1924

31 Jul 2013

322 visits

Greetings from Canada - Saskatchewan

This card contains the strip of ~10 photos of "cowboys and Indians" shown separately. The strip is credited to the Valentine & Sons United Publishing Co. Ltd. of Montreal, Toronto, Winnipeg and Vancouver but the rest of the card appears to be from the U.K. Valentine's. It is described as a "Mailing Card" and was printed in Great Britain. It was mailed at Battleford, Sask. on December 9, 1924 (I believe) to Mmiss Margaret Moss, 43 Queens Rd., Northampton, England and a "From" line on the opposite half of the back is filled in with the name "E. B. Snedker". The card has an instruction I haven't seen before which is that the "letter" half of the back can only contain the name and address of the sender -- "If any other writing, Two Cent Stamp is required." Perhaps this was an English requirement in the 1920s. The verse on the front is the opening lines of the rarely-heard second verse of O Canada! (the national anthem). This version of the Saskatchewan card (i.e. with the cowboys and Indians strip) is not listed by Smith as part of Series 24 Valentine & Sons (see p. 246 of Vol. II of his patriotics book).

31 Jul 2013

300 visits

Cowboys and Indians (strip from Greetings from Canada - Saskatchewan card)

This strip (which has one or two more images at the top end that couldn't be scanned) appears from under the Saskatchewan crest on the "Greetings from Canada" card.

07 Mar 2014

207 visits

Main Street, Richards Landing, Ont.

The main street, not so different from how it looks now.

06 Jun 2014

330 visits

Nashwaak River, Fredericton, N.B.

Postmarked August 11, 1924 at Fredericton, miled to Mrs. B. F. Hickey, 305 Middle St., Braintree, Mass. with a short message from Ada T. Gill (?) Not clear who the maker is. Has printed text describing the Nashwaak River on the back.