Scene on Decoration Day, Winnipeg, 1905


25 Sep 2013

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Scene on Decoration Day, Winnipeg, 1905

Barrowclough postcard on the usual Velox back. Inscription appears to say "1906" but I think it's really "1905" as otherwise this would be the only Barrowclough Winnipeg card from after 1905. That's unlikely as he didn't use the Velox back after about September 1905, to the best of my knowledge. A nice image. Not sure whether it's Portage or Main -- only one shop is identifiable -- Devlin's Fine Shoes (now confirmed to be at 406 Main Street, likely the McIntyre Block or one of the buildings next to it).

09 Jun 2013

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M'Dermott Ave., Winnipeg

Another very nicely coloured Valentine & Sons card, this time no. 101,395, showing McDermot Avenue looking west from Main Street along what was then Newspaper Row. You can see the Manitoba Free Press sign extending from one of the buildings on the north (right) side of the street. At the corner are the Dominion Bank (left) and Caldwell Block (right), both now just empty lots. This is one of the highest grade of coloured lithographs that you will see from that era. The card was addressed and a message written, although it does not appear to have been stamped or mailed. The addressee was Mr. J. P. Lemoine of Millbury, Mass., and the message is in French (and is actually just part of a message that was probably written across several card backs).

13 Feb 2014

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West Main St., Somerset, Man.

Pugh Manufacturing Co. card, with the numbers "925-1" and "234978" on the reverse. Mailed on December 28, 1911 from Waterloo, Ont. to Miss Eldna James, Ayres, Maine, U.S.A., Box 89: "Rec. your letter many thanks very interesting will write more soon, Truly yours, Harry Planz (?), Waterloo".

09 Dec 2014

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333 visits

4558. Scene at Deer Lodge, a Winnipeg Suburb

Posted November 15, 1906 on a Cyko back to Master Leslie Beal, Kent Coast College, Hern Bay, England. "With love from Alice. The cars also run out here. They keep buffalo, deer and a black bear at Deer Lodge. It is a fine ride there and back on the bicycle."