Monster Fleet Sails Out

Lake Superior

23 Jul 2013

250 visits

Monster Fleet Sails Out

Port Arthur, Ont. (now part of the City of Thunder Bay). A Rogers photo, 1912.

18 Oct 2013

216 visits

North Shore, Lake Superior, on Canadian Pacific Railway

Postmarked at Cranbrook, B.C. on May 2, 1904, this undivided back "Canadian Souvenir Post Card" (unusual back design featuring a drawing of a beaver) was addressed to Mr. H. Bushel, 26 Berryfield Road, Manor Place, Walworth, London.

19 Oct 2013

231 visits

Beach, Lake Superior

Nicely coloured card showing a beach on Lake Superior. Letter dated at Chapleau, Ont., Feb. 15, 1913 (or possibly 1917). To Fred from his "Dadda" Fred Wilson. Valentine & Sons oval series, no number visible.

21 Oct 2013

266 visits

Coal Chutes, Jack Fish, Lake Superior, Canada

Postmarked Winnipeg, June 19, 1911, evidently from a new arrival: "Winnipeg, Canada 19/6/11 Dear Jessie: We both arrived here this morning (Monday) 4:00 a.m. after 3 days + nights in train from Quebec. We passed along spot marked X. Lovely scenery terribly hot, both well. Fondest Love, Lionel." This was addressed to Miss J. Coultree, Claremont Cottage, Shepley, Huddersfield, England. Valentine & Sons image 100,522.

03 Nov 2013

278 visits

Sea Lion Rock, Silver Island, Port Arthur, Ont.

Posted August 15, 1916 at Duluth to Mr. Ed. Jeary, 1468 Sheridan Ave., Detroit, Mich. from "Fred". The card was "Published for Canadian Northern Railway Hotel Dept."

23 Nov 2013

257 visits

Mink Tunnel, Lake Superior

To Miss K. A. Bridge, Heaton Park, Manchester, England "With kind regards, Violet Farries, Winnipeg, 1/18/1912. The Valentine number is cut off (it's at lower left), except for the very tops of the numbers, which suggest that it could be 100,527.

10 Jan 2014

267 visits

Drying Nets, Jack Fish, Lake Superior

Valentine & Sons card no. 100,521 (last three digits hard to make out), this was mailed at Jasper, Ont. on May 14, 1908 to J. P. Moore Esq., c/o Messrs Arbuthnot Latham Co., 33 Great St. Helens, London E.C., England.

23 May 2014

172 visits

City of Fort William Ontario, Canada

Postcard drawn without a sense of perspective, showing the centre of Fort William. Credited at lower left to M. N. Wks. (???) Buffalo, N.Y.

13 Aug 2014

279 visits

Jack Fish Tunnel - Lake Superior.

Published by The Federated Press, Limited of Montreal, of which I've not heard before. Clearly torn out of a booklet.