Winnipeg - Main street East Side [front]

Advertising signs

22 Aug 2013


341 visits

Winnipeg - Main street East Side [front]

Nice Ed Justement image of Main Street, showing the Palace Hotel. This is taken from the CPR Bridge, I expect. It is looking north from the subway. The receipt stamp is dated December 19, 1905 at Saintes-Charente-Inférieure, France. Here the Belgian printer seems to have believed that "Ed. Justement" stood for éditions Justement, which would mean "Justement Publishing (Co.)", and took it on itself to expand the abbreviation to "Edit." Of course it actually stood for "Edmond".

28 Sep 2013

271 visits

Birds' Eye View of Regina, Sask., Looking East

Unused Warwick Bros. & Rutter card no. 1935.

09 Oct 2013

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572 visits

Governor-General's Body Guards, Toronto, Canada

Beat up but nice image of the Governor-General's Body Guards marching down a street (Yonge?) in Toronto. Valentine & Sons card no. 105,770. Unused. Lots of great signs in this shot.

08 Dec 2013

305 visits

Birds Eye View, Assiniboia, Sask., Can.

Card addressed but not postally used to Miss Mildred Amey, Sydenham, Ont. There is a message: "This is a birds' eye view of our town, is not all here but a good part of it. Cannot see our place as bakery + theatre hide it but I put a X over bakery so you can see about where it is. Lovingly, Aunt A. V. G." Note the very large sign for Beaver Lumber.

05 Jun 2014

384 visits

The Suspension Bridge, Grand Falls, N.B.

Third of the cards mailed to Miss Maxine Baumann, this one on July 3, 1911, with her receipt stamp. This one is from Howard V. Cornfield, 48 Duke St. West, St. John, New Brunswcik, Canada. Howard hasn't followed the French postal rules quite as meticulously as Nellie Bowes (see other cards) but he has most of the stamp on the front, at least (perhaps it was done that way so that the Canadian postmaster would see the edge of the stamp on the other side and not think the card was unstamped.) The words "POST CARD" have been taped over on the back and a French ink stamp records the card's receipt on July 11, 1911 with a reply on July 30, 1911. There is also a serial number stamped on the back.

22 Aug 2014

233 visits

3942. Gillett's Lye

Stedman Bros. card no. 1234, showing an unidentified pretty country scene with an ad for Gillett's Lyle overprinted so as to appear on the side of a barn in the background. The card was mailed October 19, 1908 at Brantford, the hometown of the Stedman company. See separate image of the back.

09 Dec 2014

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387 visits

0000. The Camp

This is a WW I Canadian camp store in England, apparently run by Eaton's.

02 Mar 2015

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346 visits

4927. Birds eye view of Moose Jaw Sask, Looking North

Postmarked November 11, 1911 at Moose Jaw to Mrs. Willie Stuart (or perhaps Street) of Carrollton, Ill.: "Nov. 11, 1911 Moose Jaw - Dearest Sister, Arrived here the 9th. Lots of cold and snow here. But the city has certainly changed since I was here before. Expect to stay here a short time. Will write later. Give my best regards to all. 20 (?) below zero this morning. With love. Glenna (?). Great view of Moose Jaw by Alfred J. Sutton. Note the sign on the side of the Bijou Theatre: Showing Today - White Slave Traffic. Whether it is this 1913 movie is hard to say:

23 Apr 2016

234 visits

6927. Merchants Bank of Canada, Brandon, Man. [110,222]

Valentine & Sons, no. 110,222, posted at Edmonton on Sept. 3, 1915 to Mrs Dalgelish, 1022 - 13 Ave W, Calgary, Alta. "Dear Mrs Dalgalish, How are you after the party. Miss Mawson's met us at the station so we are having a nice time. Expect to leave for home next week if all is well. It is cold here to day. Closing with love + best wishes, From your loving Friend, Mrs. Mary Currie"
10 items in total