A Canadian Harvesting Scene, Cutting the Wheat

Publisher = Valentine Edy

Folder: Publishers

18 Jul 2013

333 visits

A Canadian Harvesting Scene, Cutting the Wheat

This card was postmarked on August 24, 1927 at Fort William, Ont. (now part of Thunder Bay). It is addressed to Simeon Régnier, L'Acadie, Comté St-Jean, P. Q. and has a short message in French that is hard to read but is from Mr. Régnier's son. The numbering on the front of the card suggests that it was originally produced around 1908-10 by Valentine & Sons (no. 105,276) but in fact this particular printing of the card is likely a late reprint from the 1920s as it is identified on the reverse as having been published by Valentine Edy Co. of Winnipeg (one of the several North American Valentine subsidiaries that became independent of the Scottish parent company in the 1920s). It is noteworthy for showing a "Deering" plough (if that's what that is).

23 Nov 2013

168 visits

Winnipeg Auditorium, Winnipeg, Manitoba.

Valentine Edy Co. Ltd. card mailed June 25, 1934 in Winnipeg to Mr. R. Dickey of Govan, Sask. The sender, Earl, says "Dear Dad: Got a lower berth here allright. Have been rather sleepy all day. But am enjoying the trip. there are a lot of people on the team."

07 Jan 2014

250 visits

Government House with Parliament Buildings in Background, Winnipeg, Manitoba.

Valentine Edy card no. V.E. 1000, showing a nice angle on the new Legislature. The card likely dates from the 1920s but is unused. The reverse includes the standard Valentine & Sons split-globe logo and states "BRITISH MANUFACTURE".

05 Oct 2014

372 visits

4235. Provincial Parliament, Buildings and Soldiers' Monument, Winnipeg, Manitoba

Valentine Edy no. VE 1016. This was posted October 21, 1930 to Grand Cafe, 89 King St., Kitchener, Ont. and has a 2c postage due stamp as well as a 2c postage due ink stamp.

05 Oct 2014

397 visits

4229. Corner of Smith Street and Portage Avenue, Winnipeg, Manitoba.

Valentine Edy card no. 113,056, likely c. 1920 or later. A rare view in the Valentine style showing the Paris Building (a latecomer to Portage Avenue) as well as the Marlborough Hotel under that name.