City Hall, Soldiers' Monument and Union Bank Bldg., Winnipeg.

City Hall and area (Winnipeg)

19 Sep 2013

267 visits

City Hall, Soldiers' Monument and Union Bank Bldg., Winnipeg.

A previously unknown style of Russell, Lang & Co. postcard. Postmarked October 17, 1905 at Winnipeg and send to Miss Sawdy, "The Manse", Nayland, Colchester (Essex), England.

19 Oct 2013

215 visits

City Hall and Volunteer Monument, Winnipeg

No. 72 in MacFarlane's first series. "Private Mailing Card" undivided back, unused.

07 Jan 2014

239 visits

Market Square, Winnipeg, Canada.

Rare view of the expanded Market Building, which had been converted from market stalls into civic offices after space ran out at City Hall. As can be seen here, the market continued on the outside of the building. This card by the Post Card & Greeting Card Co. of Toronto is numbered 63-5 and was sent on July 11, 1936 to Miss Joan Reeve at Victoria Beach from her father.

30 Jun 2014

1 comment

344 visits

City Hall and Volunteer Monument, Winnipeg, Man.

Warwick Bros. & Rutter card no. 1012S, posted with a Levis & Montreal R.P.O. cancel on September 24, 1906 to Miss Effie White of Coaticook, P.Q.: "I was pleased to read on your last card "Don't forget to answer this." My memory is fine when *such warnings* are given and with pleasure do I yield to *such warnings*. Write once more and then I'll be in Coaticook. C."

08 Nov 2014

278 visits

4419. City Hall and Volunteers' Monument, Winnipeg.

Trimmed "Private Post Card" with undivided back, split-ring cancel at Beaver Dale, Assa., April 27, 1905 and a second cancel at Yorkton, Assa. on the same day. Addressed to Mrs Robt. Wilson, 118 Fisguard St., Victoria, B.C.: "Apr. 27/05 Dear folks, Thought I'd send you a picture p.c. We've been having prairie fires raging all around us lately, did not come near our place, but "Jim" got his granary burnt and the boys had hard work to save the stable. John had quite a time fighting fire at his place a while ago, if he had not been there his buildings would have gone up in smoke. "Norman" has been sick, had to take him to the Dr. in Yorkton, but is getting better again. John lost another horse lately; busy seeding very dry but lovely weather. Yours, J. Wilson"