[Five men in car, Brandon, Manitoba]

Fairs and exhibitions

12 Jun 2013

260 visits

[Five men in car, Brandon, Manitoba]

This has no identifying information, but it is a Canadian card and shows a Brandon pennant in the background, much like another card that I have with a car in it that was a souvenir of the Dominion Exhibition, held in Brandon in 1913. I expect this is another such card.

10 Jan 2014

297 visits

Agricultural or Provinces Building, Toronto Exhibition

Card with a special CNE cancellation dated September 6, 1909, addressed to H. H. Jenkins, Nester Flats, Geneva, N.Y. with a brief note to "Bert" as H. H. was apparently known.

18 Jan 2014

261 visits

Canadian National Exhibition, Toronto, Dufferin Memorial Gates

By C. T. Photochrom of Chicago., no. A -98629. Unused. C.T. Photochrom was an imprint of Curt Teich. Card also marked as published by E. Zaitchick, Canadian National Exhibition, Toronto.

16 Apr 2014

164 visits

Manitoba Winter Fair (blotter)

A blotter.

25 Sep 2014

287 visits

4115. Hanlon's Point at night, Toronto, Canada.

Valentine & Sons. I don't see a number. Very nice "dusk" effect. Unused.

24 Jan 2015

2 favorites

1 comment

303 visits

4662. Montreal Carnival - Ice Palace 1909

This card is from my grandmother's album, which I'm scanning, mostly for the first time. There are a few real photo cards. This card was mailed to my grandmother's mother by her sister in Montreal. It was posted April 19, 1909 and is by A. Charbonneau, Photo. P.Card. at an address on St. Chs. Borromée, which appears to be a street in Joliette, Quebec -- rather than Montreal. See separate image of back.

13 Dec 2015

231 visits

6044. Canadian Building at the Pan.-Pac. Int. Expo. San Francisco, 1915.

A later Edward H. Mitchell card showing the impressive Canadian pavilion at the Pan-Pac Expo in 1915. Unused.