The Broadway, Ninga


08 Jul 2013

324 visits

The Broadway, Ninga

Winnipeg Photo card no. 1088, sent to Miss Hunt, Abbey Mills, West Ham, London with the message: "Aunt Annie, from Stanley".

23 Jul 2013

1 comment

448 visits

Harrowins House, Queensbury

Another! This one addressed to Charles Heath, No. 1 New Park Road, Queensbury.

11 Sep 2013

198 visits

Binscarth, Man.

Lawrence and Meeres image, unused, from a slight elevation showing a small house with a fairly large yard at Binscarth, Manitoba. Note the nice swing and wooden chairs.

20 Sep 2013

245 visits

Mr. A. Peebles, Fort Saskatchewan, Alberta, Canada.

Unused "Government Agent" card.

28 Sep 2013


250 visits

North-East Residence District, Weyburn

19 Oct 2013

286 visits

Assinaboine Ave., Winnipeg

Warwick Bros. & Rutter card no. 1013 with misspelling of "Assiniboine" -- later corrected on subsequent printings.

28 Sep 2013

265 visits

Deer Lodge, at Silver Heights, Winnipeg.

MacFarlane card HA.110. The stamp has been removed but there is enough of the cancellation to show that it was sent or received in December 1906. The message on the front is presumably in Flemish. The sender is J. B. Vigneron of St. Boniface and the recipient appears to be a Mr. St. Elfons Van de Broeck (?), "school master"), Lovenjoul by Leuven, Belgium. The handwriting is difficult to read. The card is quite intricately coloured, making for a convincing overall effect. Same image on (possibly the work of Barrowclough).

08 Dec 2013

266 visits

Gainsboro, Sask.

Posted at Gainsborough, August 13, 1907 to Miss G. J. Elder c/o M. R. A. Ltd. St. John, N.B.: "Hello Tessie: How is every one these days? Am back to work again + feeling fine. Remember me to all, Harry." Winnipeg Photo Co. card no. 364.

03 Feb 2014

261 visits

A few Camrose residences

Postmarked in 1918 at Camrose to MIss Edith Lincoln of Macleod, Alberta: "Dearest Edith, I have spent two weeks at Camrose and am getting quite used to it. It isn't hard to get acquainted, besides there are clubs so there ought to be a good time in store for me. I like my teachers fine. Write to Camrose, Alta. G.B." Photo postcard is by Langdell (?).
23 items in total