Our New Arrival [Last Mountain Valley]

Place = Last Mountain Valley (Sask.)

18 Jun 2013

1 favorite

242 visits

Our New Arrival [Last Mountain Valley]

This postcard is unused but is addressed to Vinnie Binkley, Brookville, Ohio. On the front is a faint stamp: "B. F. Kiester, Dist. Mgr., 102 Salem Ave. Dayton, O." This card is #2 in a series of immigration-promoting cards issued (one assumes) by a land company.

10 Apr 2014

370 visits

Excursion Party at Arlington Beach, Last Mountain Lake, Sask.

Numbered 22905, "Compliments of Wm. Pearson & Co. Ltd., Winnipeg, Canada." Posted at Govan, Sask., May 28 of unclear year: "Arlington Beach, Sask: Dear Ida, You will see by address we have removed, we expect to stay here until Sept: it's just a dandy little summer resort, sixteen miles from the nearest town and 130 from Saskatoon but we have good time so don't care, write soon as we only get mail twice a week. Yours, Mabel."